Внимание: мошенничество! — уведомление о выигрыше Green Card Lottery по e-mail

Доброе время суток! Идет рассылка мошеннических писем.
Your registered name V V ( valvo ) is included to show this message originated from U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State notifies V V of being selected as a winner of the Diversity Visa program.

Dear V V , You are one of the 50,000 winners selected by the computer random draw from the 12.1 million entries registered in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program . The Diversity Immigrant Visa program is a United States congressionally-mandated lottery program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. It is also known as the Green Card Lottery.

Winner Details

Acceptance Date: Sunday 2nd of October 2011 02:38:58 PM
Winner Name: V V
Country of Birth: Russia

Diversity Visa Details
With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a U.S. permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.

U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling (Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job (in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through EducationUSA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or University so you can continue your educational study. More details can be found at http://educationusa.state.gov/ .)

Processing fees

Type of Residence Card Status Amount (per person)
United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee $879
Processing fees Included
Total $879
Although the Diversity Visa participation was free, the law and regulations require to every diversity visa winner to pay a visa processing fee of $879. The Diversity Visa(Green Card) is guaranteed upon receiving the payment.
The per person fee for each Diversity Visa is $879, payable in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency. This $879 fee is the only fee a winner needs to pay throughout the entire relocation process.
Accompanying family members(wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, childrens, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, childrens, cousin) must pay $879. There is no discount for childrens.

Please note that you are allowed to take with you as many family members you want. However for each person you must pay an additional amount of U.S $879
For example if you decide to move in the United States with your wife and a kid the total fee is US$879(your fee) + US$879(your wife) + US$879(your kid) = US$2637.

PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the fee payment primarily to process your visa related documents and verify your identity.
Visa Payment processing instructions
The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom.
Western Union is a leading provider of International person-to-person money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety.
You can send the payment in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency .

Click on the following link to find the nearest Western Union agency and send the fees payment :
Find Western Union Agency
If you are unable to find a Western Union agency near your location, you may ask a relative or friend to pay the fee on your behalf.

After you find a Western Union agency you need to go with cash money, an identity card(e.g passport or national identity card) and send the payment to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:

Name : Shirley Robbins
Address: 73 Queens Avenue
London, N20 0JB
United Kingdom

The payment must be sent to the above U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Department of State decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country.

After you send the payment follow the next steps:
Fax the Western Union receipt at +44 207 691 7968 !

Then wait for the confirmation that the payment was received.

Within 48 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with your Case Number/Confirmation Number and exact date and time(approx. 2 days) of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States. Under no circumstances your visa status won’t be affected by the interview. After you have paid the processing fees your visa is guaranteed !

Please Note!

The payment must be sent via Western Union in maxx 72 hours after you have received and read the email from U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays .
The visa processing fee(US $879) is mandatory for each person and the U.S. Government doesn’t offer any discount, loan or exception.
You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time.
A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to your postal address upon receiving the payment fees.
Please be advised that even through you are a winner of Diversity Visa your Case Number/Confirmation Number will be provided only after you send the payment confirmation of the fees. Please do not contact us to ask for the Case Number/Confirmation Number.

If it would be necessary to contact the U.S. Department of state YOU MUST ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR NAME. The email is support@uskccdv.org !

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: AUTHORITIES: The information asked for on this form is requested pursuant to Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court.

zdrastvoyte vsem pomagite pojalosta unas takov jena podala fprmiu i-130 2011 godu v fevrale 2012 menya odobreli v iyune posle etogo prishlo pismo affidevit 88 $ plotili skajite esho skolko nam jdat.

Опять прислали. From: U.S. Department of State (confirm@dvprogram-dos.com)
Please Note!

The payment must be sent via Western Union in maxx 5 working days after you have received and read the email from U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE.
You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays .

Значит никто их не ловит и не закрывает.

Получил очередное письмо (по счету второе) о выигрише в дв лотерее. Правда на этот раз не понятно в которой из них я выиграл - дв 2012 или дв 2013 :slight_smile: . Письмо получено с адреса confirm@div-dvp.com

Седня тоже получил письмо с адреса confirm@div-dvp.com. Интересно другое. Откуда у мошенников адреса участников?

А мне с этого адреса email@usafis.ccemails.net пришло Special Wednrsday Offer… :pardon:

Да всё это слабо. То что получил на днях - вот это сильный ход!

Меня зовут Бакаре Тунде, я брат первого нигерийского космонавта, майора ВВС Нигерии Абака Тунде. Мой брат стал первым африканским космонавтом, который отправился с секретной миссией на советскую станцию «Салют-6» в далеком 1979 году. Позднее он принял участие в полете советского «Союза Т-16З» к секретной советской космической станции «Салют-8Т». В 1990 году, когда СССР пал, он как раз находился на станции. Все русские члены команды сумели вернуться на землю, однако моему брату не хватило в корабле места. С тех пор и до сегодняшнего дня он вынужден находиться на орбите, и лишь редкие грузовые корабли «Прогресс» снабжают его необходимым. Несмотря ни на что мой брат не теряет присутствия духа, однако жаждет вернуться домой, в родную Нигерию. За те долгие годы, что он провел в космосе, его постепенно накапливающаяся заработная плата составила 15 000 000 американских долларов. В настоящий момент данная сумма хранится в банке в Лагосе. Если нам удастся получить доступ к деньгам, мы сможем оплатить Роскосмосу требуемую сумму и организовать для моего брата рейс на Землю. Запрашиваемая Роскосмосом сумма равняется 3 000 000 американских долларов. Однако для получения суммы нам необходима ваша помощь, поскольку нам, нигерийским госслужащим, запрещены все операции с иностранными счетами. Вечно ваш, доктор Бакаре Тунде, ведущий специалист по астронавтике.

У меня такая же ситуация.

Добрый день всем!

Когда то лет 6 назад я начала заполнять через посреднический сайт заявку на гринкарт, но поняв, что это разводилово, закрыла сайт. На следующий день был звонок, я вежливо отказалась. На этом все прекратилось, ни писем, ни звонков больше не было.

Сегодня получила письмо о выигрыше в ДВ лотерее от мошенников. Письмо написано на старый e-mail, указан старый номер телефона и транскрипция имени не такая, как я обычно заполняю при участии в лотерее, т.е. написаны те данные, которые я указывала 6 лет назад.

Я занервничала, т.к. я действительно выиграла в DV-2013 и боюсь, что эти посредники заполняли за меня заявку.=0

Письмо пришло с адреса confirm@div-dvp.com

Тоже получила с этого адреса. Просят оплатить деньги вестерн юнионом

Name : Alexander Mason
Address: 73 Queens Avenue
London, N20 0JB
United Kingdom

Нигде, кроме официальной лотереи, ничего не заполняла. Откуда узнали данные?(

такая же фигня и мне сегодня пришла от confirm@div-dvp.com
сволочи :bud:

tanyau: а вам написали, что нужно оплатить через вестерн юнион? а вы сами тоже заполняли заявку? или как это случилось, что вы выиграли и они тут написали?

а мне с confirm@div-dvp.com

причем телефон указали. который мы сменили года два назад, в последней лотерее указывал другой телефон

Diversity Visa Details
With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a U.S. permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.

U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling (Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job (in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through EducationUSA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or University so you can continue your educational study. More details can be found at EducationUSA | Study Abroad, Student Visa, University Fairs, College Applications and Study in the U.S. / America .)

Processing fees

Type of Residence Card Status Amount (per person)
United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee $879
Processing fees Included
Total $879
Although the Diversity Visa participation was free, the law and regulations require to every diversity visa winner to pay a visa processing fee of $879. The Diversity Visa(Green Card) is guaranteed upon receiving the payment.
The per person fee for each Diversity Visa is $879, payable in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency. This $879 fee is the only fee a winner needs to pay throughout the entire relocation process.
Accompanying family members(wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, childrens, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, childrens, cousin) must pay $879. There is no discount for childrens.

Please note that you are allowed to take with you as many family members you want. However for each person you must pay an additional amount of U.S $879
For example if you decide to move in the United States with your wife and a kid the total fee is US$879(your fee) + US$879(your wife) + US$879(your kid) = US $2637 .

PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the fee payment primarily to process your visa related documents and verify your identity.
Visa Payment processing instructions
The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom.
Western Union is a leading provider of International person-to-person money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety.
You can send the payment in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency .

Click on the following link to find the nearest Western Union agency and send the fees payment :
Find Western Union Agency
If you are unable to find a Western Union agency near your location, you may ask a relative or friend to pay the fee on your behalf.

After you find a Western Union agency you need to go with cash money, an identity card(e.g passport or national identity card) and send the payment to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:

Name : Johnny Crites
Address: 73 Queens Avenue
London, N20 0JB
United Kingdom

The payment must be sent to the above U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Department of State decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country.

After you send the payment follow the next steps:
Fax the Western Union receipt at +44 1613328264 and e-mail at support@ag-dvlp.com !

Then wait for the confirmation that the payment was received.

Within 48 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with your Case Number/Confirmation Number and exact date and time(approx. 2 days) of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States. Under no circumstances your visa status won’t be affected by the interview. After you have paid the processing fees your visa is guaranteed !

Please Note!

The payment must be sent via Western Union in maxx 5 working days after you have received and read the email from U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays .
The visa processing fee(US $879) is mandatory for each person and the U.S. Government doesn’t offer any discount, loan or exception.
You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time.
A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to your postal address upon receiving the payment fees.
Please be advised that even through you are a winner of Diversity Visa your Case Number/Confirmation Number will be provided only after you send the payment confirmation of the fees. Please do not contact us to ask for the Case Number/Confirmation Number.

If it would be necessary to contact the U.S. Department of state YOU MUST ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR NAME. The email is support@ag-dvlp.com !

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: AUTHORITIES: The information asked for on this form is requested pursuant to Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court.

вот так меня хотят развести!пожалуй отправлю им деньги))))

тааак, очень интересно откуда у мошенников информация обо мне. Судя по всему утечка баз данных у правительства США. Как считаете можно ли подать в суд на правительство США за утечку личной информации и какие можно получить выгоды от выигранного в суде дела?

Подать в суд можно. Много есть денег на адвоката? Выгоды никакой не будет. Будут финансовые траты. Совет один - поменьше светить своё мыло в этих ваших интернетах. Такие письма счастья приходят всем.

Your registered name OOO BBB is included to show this message originated from U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State notifies OOO BBB of being selected as a winner of the Diversity Visa program.

Dear OOO BBB , You are one of the 50,000 winners selected by the computer random draw from the 12.1 million entries registered in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program . The Diversity Immigrant Visa program is a United States congressionally-mandated lottery program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. It is also known as the Green Card Lottery.

Diversity Visa Details
With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a U.S. permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.

U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling (Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job (in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through EducationUSA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or University so you can continue your educational study. More details can be found at EducationUSA | Study Abroad, Student Visa, University Fairs, College Applications and Study in the U.S. / America .)

Processing fees

Type of Residence Card Status Amount (per person)
United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee $970
Processing fees Included
Total $970
Although the Diversity Visa participation was free, the law and regulations require to every diversity visa winner to pay a visa processing fee of $970 . The Diversity Visa(Green Card) is guaranteed upon receiving the payment.
The per person fee for each Diversity Visa is $ 970, payable in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency. This $970 fee is the only fee a winner needs to pay throughout the entire relocation process.
Accompanying family members(wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, childrens, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, childrens, cousin) must pay $970 . There is no discount for childrens.
Please note that you are allowed to take with you as many family members you want. However for each person you must pay an additional amount of U.S $ 970
For example if you decide to move in the United States with your wife and a kid the total fee is US$970 (your fee) + US$970 (your wife) + US$ 970 (your kid) = US$2910.

PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the fee payment primarily to process your visa related documents and verify your identity.
Visa Payment processing instructions

The fees must be paid by Bank Account Transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom.

Here are the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom (our employee) payment details that you will use for this transaction.

Account Name: US Permanent Resident Card
Bank Address: 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP, United Kingdom
Sort Code: 20-53-04
Account Number: 13632342
IBAN: GB11BARC20530413632342
Swift: BARCGB22

Follow these 5 simple steps in order to send money via Bank Transfer:

Step 1 Find a Bank branch (office) in your city.
Step 2 Visit your Bank branch (office), taking some personal identification* with you.
Step 3 Complete a simple “send” form and hand this to the Bank agent along with the money you want to send.
Step 4 You will receive receipt of the transfer.
Step 5 Contact us with the scanned paper of the transfer.
NOTE: You can make the wire transfer from the internet in case you have home bank internet account or from any bank you want from your city.

The payment must be sent to the above U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Department of State decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country. Please complete your payment with cash money and use " EXPRESS " form of a bank transfer. In this way the money reaches faster our account and we are able to initiate the procedure faster. This means that we save a lot of time !

After you send the payment follow the next steps:
Fax the payment receipt at +44 1613328264 and e-mail a copy of the payment receipt at support@gcl-divp.com !

Then wait for the confirmation that the payment was received.

Within 48 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with your Case Number/Confirmation Number and exact date and time(approx. 2 days) of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States. Under no circumstances your visa status won’t be affected by the interview. After you have paid the processing fees your visa is guaranteed !

Please Note!

The payment must be sent via bank transfer in maxx 5 working days after you have received and read the email from U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays .
The visa processing fee(US $970 ) is mandatory for each person and the U.S. Government doesn’t offer any discount, loan or exception.
You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time.
A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to your postal address upon receiving the payment fees.
Please be advised that even through you are a winner of Diversity Visa your Case Number/Confirmation Number will be provided only after you send the payment confirmation of the fees. Please do not contact us to ask for the Case Number/Confirmation Number.

If it would be necessary to contact the U.S. Department of state YOU MUST ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR NAME. The email is support@gcl-divp.com !

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: AUTHORITIES: The information asked for on this form is requested pursuant to Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court.

Вот такое письмо счастья я сегодня получила. Как и многие, начала читать и сердце в пятки ушло… Чем дальше читала - тем больше прозревала…