вопросы по поводу GreenCard and J-1 out of status

все вопросы взаимосвязаны

вопрос №1
моя девушка находится а США по программе Ворк&Травел она должна была вернутся 17 сентября, тоесть уже просрочила выезд. Какое максимальное время она может находится в США без каких либо санкций, после выезда?
И какие санции последуют после этого времени?

вопрос №2
Сможет ли она въехать потом в США будучи моей женой, если я получу ГреенЦард?

вопрос №3
если при заполнении анкеты ДВ Лоттеры я холост, но после я вступаю в брак.
Получит ли моя жена право на въезд а США по моей ГреенЦард?

большое всем спасибо

вопрос №1
моя девушка находится а США по программе Ворк&Травел она должна была вернутся 17 сентября, тоесть уже просрочила выезд. Какое максимальное время она может находится в США без каких либо санкций, после выезда?
И какие санции последуют после этого времени?

она может находиться 30 дней ([grace period]) от [expiration date] в ее форме [DS-2019]. После этого она будет [out of status]. Но консулы очень не любят, когда кто-то “сьедает” [grace period]. Ей нужно выехать как можно скорее.

вопрос №2
Сможет ли она въехать потом в США будучи моей женой, если я получу ГреенЦард?
вопрос спорный - теоретически сможет, если у нее в [I-94] стоит [D/S] вместо даты, но лучше не рисковать - жить на что-то ей надо будет, и ее могут поймать и депортировать. ПОсле этого она иммигрировать не сможет очень долгое время.

вопрос №3
если при заполнении анкеты ДВ Лоттеры я холост, но после я вступаю в брак. Получит ли моя жена право на въезд а США по моей ГреенЦард?
теоретически - да. Но почитайте, как проверяют не фиктивен ли ваш брак. Некоторым визы не дают по подозрению в обмане (даже если они никого не обманывали).

Итог: пребывание в США вне статуса, отягченное поздним браком. Мда, кто не рискует, не пьет шампанского, но получение ГК - дело нешуточное, и я бы так не рисковала.

1 лайк

V nekotoryh stranah DV braki - eto celaia industria. Poetomu konsul’stva proizvodiat ochen’ tscatel’nyi otbor.

Kstati, Lucy, pochitaite - iskliuchitel’ni interesnyi dokument.

In Addis Ababa, for example, marrying a DV lottery winner in an attempt to obtain an immigrant visa has become so common that the term “DV marriage” has entered the local lexicon. Officers in Accra estimated that up to 50 percent of DV adjudications there involve a “pop-up” spouse; officers in Addis Ababa said that the percentage of sham DV marriages at their post could be as high as 90 percent and a cable from the post stated that DV-related marriage fraud was “rampant.” Officers speculated that some applicants entered into a DV marriage to help a friend or another family member, even a sibling, obtain an immigrant visa. According to officers in Addis Ababa, Accra, and Lagos, applicants engaging in sham marriages rely on backdated marriage certificates, fake supporting documentation, and staged wedding pictures to try to prove their marriage is legitimate. An officer in Accra said that the prevalence of customary marriages in Ghana, in which there is no official documentation of the union, complicates matters since even legitimate couples may only acquire a marriage certificate after winning the DV lottery. The custom of arranged marriage in Nepal and Bangladesh makes it challenging for officers to sort out legitimate arranged marriages from those arranged solely for immigration purposes

In addition to public diplomacy efforts, DV posts also use a variety of antifraud tools to combat fraud after the applicant has come to the post for visa adjudication. Consular officers review the applicant’s documents, along with any fraud notes from KCC, and scrutinize the applicant during the visa interview. The consular chief in Dhaka said the post’s best antifraud tool is good interviewing skills. In Accra, Addis Ababa, and Warsaw, officers conduct split interviews for couples suspected of marriage fraud. Questionable cases are referred to the post’s fraud prevention unit for further review.37 These units investigate the facts of the case, such as by calling school boards to see if the education certificate is legitimate, or conducting field investigations to see if an applicant’s marriage is legitimate. Some posts also receive assistance from their regional security office, and some receive cooperation from local law enforcement. A consular officer in Accra said that the embassy made three DV fraud ring busts along with the help of local police. In Lagos, the consulate reported that its fraud prevention unit was working with the Nigerian authorities to prosecute several DV applicants who had admitted to marriage fraud.

1 лайк

Escio interesnye mesta ottuda je

Consular officers and cables from Addis Ababa, Dhaka, and Warsaw cited the involvement of the visa industry in organizing fake DV marriages. The officers in Addis Ababa believed that arranging DV marriages was the greatest money maker for visa agents. If an applicant cannot pay a visa agent’s exorbitant fees, a lesser fee can be arranged if the applicant marries a person who has also paid a fee to the agent. The visa agents provide the new couples with fake documentation to establish the marriage and coach them on how to answer questions about the relationship in the visa interview. Officers in Warsaw obtained a “cheat sheet” from some Ukrainian applicants detailing how to prepare for the consular officer’s questions. Moreover, the fraud prevention unit at the U.S. embassy in Ukraine learned of a visa consultancy in western Ukraine that offered, for approximately $14,500, to set up a fake marriage between a client and a DV winner. The arrangement was based on fake documents and months of preparation before the visa interview. If the couple’s visa application was denied, most of the money would be returned to the client.

For example, in order to prevent applicants’ notification letters from being stolen, officials from FPP said that they were considering alternate ways of notifying DV applicants in countries such as Ukraine and Bangladesh, but that a strategy had yet to be implemented. Some consular officers we interviewed suggested that KCC should send the notification letter in an unmarked envelope or that KCC send the notification letter directly to post and require applicants to come to the embassy or consulate to pick it up

According to a Warsaw cable, Ukrainian DV applicants said that corrupt government officials in Ukraine were collaborating with visa facilitators to provide fraudulent documents.

Consular officers in Accra, Dhaka, Lagos, and Warsaw cited issues with KCC’s notification letters that contributed to such abuse. They said that visa agents frequently list their own address on the lottery entry so that the notification letter comes directly to them, giving them control over the application. With the winning notification letter in hand, the agents can then demand thousands of dollars from the applicant in exchange for the letter; an August 2006 cable from the U.S. embassy in Accra cited an example where agents charged $2,500 for such an exchange, while consular officers in Dhaka suspected that the fee could range between $10,000 and $20,000. In our observation of DV adjudication interviews in Warsaw, consular officers pointed out several applicants whose applications did not list their own personal address, but rather the same P.O. box in Ukraine, which the officers attributed to a visa facilitator. An October 2006 cable from Warsaw noted that hundreds of Ukrainian DV applications were linked to the same P.O. box. Moreover, consular officers in Bangladesh and Nepal said that some letters, which conspicuously bear a U.S. postmark and KCC’s return address, were intercepted by postal employees or stolen out of the mail, resulting in the letter being held for ransom. Also, some visa agents enter individuals into the DV lottery without their knowledge. For example, consular officers in Ukraine told us they suspected that visa agents bribe local officials for biographic data to enter potentially qualified applicants without their knowledge, and then attempt to extort money in exchange for the notification letter if one of the applicants is selected in the lottery. A March 2007 cable from the U.S. embassy in Dhaka noted that, in Bangladesh, visa agents posted fake job advertisements to collect biographic data and enter individuals without their knowledge. If one of these individuals won the lottery, the visa agent would either extort money in exchange for the notification letter or threaten to steal the individual’s identity. A consular officer in Dhaka said that the diversity visa is referred to as the “Visa of Tears” by some Bangladeshis because of the suffering associated with it.

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Lusy большое спасибо землячка!
Привет из солнечного края.

Lusy насколько реально/легально уже будучи в США поменять свой статус
сначала на визу В-2 потом Н2В
какие могут быть подводные камни
и их последствия?
и вообще все эти продления в будующем могут как-то отразится на пребывание
повторный въезд в страну?

какие могут быть подводные камни

и их последствия?
неформальный запрет на вьезд по неиммиграционной визе (а также по иммиграционной, если начать менять статус слишком рано). Просто визу не дадут в любом случае - положительного или отрицательного ответа на петицию на смену статуса. Консулы очень не любят меняющих/продляющих статус.

Здравствуйте. У меня вопрос по иммиграции в США. Летом еду в США работать по программе WORK AND TRAVEL, хочу получить Грин-карту по родственным связям (родная сестра резидент США, замужем за гражданином). Приехав в штаты хочу обратиться к юристу, к которому обращалась моя сестра. В принципе вопрос и состоит в этом. Я вообще могу получить Грин –карту ?