Киев, октябрь 2019, ДВ-2020


Important: Police certificates expire after one year, unless the certificate was issued from your country of previous residence and you have not returned there since the police certificate was issued. If at the time of your interview the following three items are all true, you must bring a new police certificate to your visa interview:
You are more than 16 years old;
The police certificate was obtained more than one year ago; and
You still live in the country that issued the certificate.

На сколько я поняла - действует год. Поправьте, если не права.

Мои поздравления, коллега!!!
Не возникло ли дополнительных вопросов об образовании?
Я тоже офицер запаса и слегка переживаю на счет своего образования))

Я Ташкентское ВОКУ заканчивал и у меня в дипломе на английском написано Tashkent Higher Military School of Combined Arms & Engineers.
Вот думаю, не ошибся ли? :letmein: