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USA to grant Moldova 3.85 million dollars for judiciary, social reforms

Chisinau, 27 September /MOLDPRES/ - The United States will grant Moldova 3.85 million dollars in additional assistance in order to support the local public authorities in the implementation of the police and judiciary reforms, as well as in the fight against human trafficking.

Three agreements in this respect were signed today by Prime Minister Vlad Filat and US Ambassador to Moldova William H. Moser.

About 1.8 million dollars of the overall sum will be used for drinking water and sewerage supply, as well as for road infrastructure projects. Another 1.7 million dollars will be earmarked to the police and law enforcement bodies for the implementation of reforms, whereas 350,000 dollars is meant to assist the judiciary system in carrying out anti-trafficking actions.

US Ambassador to Moldova Willian H. Moser said at the official signing ceremony, that by this assistance, the USA is trying to back Moldova’s priorities on its path towards democracy, as well as the ambitious reform programme of the Moldovan government.

For his part, Prime Minister Vlad Filat said that the assistance would supplement the proceeds previously offered by the US Government to several Moldovan fields of development, via the USAID programme, amounting to 300 million US dollars. As many as 35 US-backed projects estimated at 286 million dollars are carried out in Moldova in 2011.

Ambassador Moser Presents Credentials to Acting President Lupu
Today, Ambassador William H. Moser presented his credentials to Acting President Marian Lupu. During their meeting, Ambassador Moser said he is looking forward to working with the people of Moldova and their representatives to enhance the already strong partnership between the United States and Moldova.
Ambassador Moser was nominated by President Barack Obama on May 9, 2011 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate on August 2, 2011.


Газ в России стал дороже, чем в США

Всё! Началось! То, что уже столько десятилетий утверждали Ванга, Ацтеки, Нострадамус, и всё население СССР начало свершаться. США стали загнивать - люди перестают пользоваться газом. Скоро достанут пластмассовые гробы.

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