Значит, таки можно с облегчением выдохнуть: лотерее в этом году - точно быть!!!
3 го ОКТ :dance3::dance3::dance3:
Канада опять не участвует…
Уже выложили инфу?
Сообщение #836.
Не зря-же вчера посол приглашал)))
я документ не вчитывал - что-то в правилах кардинально поменялось? или всё как и раньше?
видео - сплошная вода. посидим-поговорим называется. привет Уфа, привет Лас-Вегас…
Олег, если вы его смотрели перед тем как запостить, то могли бы просто написать, что действительно нет радикальных изменений и позже будет подробное видео с “грамотными”, как выразился Михаил, людьми.
Смотрел прямой эфир. Если я сказал-бы, что нет никаких радикальных изменений, то с вероятностью 100% посыпались-бы вопросы: “а докажи, а где узнать точно и т.д” Ну а когда сам посол это говорит, то какие ещё нужны подтверждения?
Я не про видео с Портвовым, а про прямой эфир с послом…
а у же и правила вышли
Не нашел более подходящую тему.
Трамп утвердил квоту на прием не более 45 тыс. беженцев в следующем финансовом году
Трамп утвердил квоту на прием не более 45 тыс. беженцев в следующем финансовом году - Международная панорама - ТАСС
Подскажите, может как то сказаться на лотерейщиках?
Потому, что страна рашка-какашка
По той же причине, что раньше все пёрли на юристов…с голоду.
В IT вообще есть больше число специальностей: HR, дизайн, вёрстка, аналитика, менеджеры. Странно всё сводить к программистам.
Еще один билл
“Introduced in House (09/14/2017)”
"Latest Action: House - 09/28/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. "
“H.R.3775 - Immigration in the National Interest Act of 2017”
“To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to establish a skills-based immigration points system, to focus family-sponsored immigration on spouses and minor children, to eliminate the Diversity Visa Program, to set a limit on the number of refugees admitted annually to the United States, and for other purposes.”
POINT-BASED SYSTEM FOR MERIT-BASED IMMIGRATION: Establish a point-based system for awarding green cards that protects U.S. workers and taxpayers, encourages assimilation, and ensures the financial self-sufficiency of newcomers.
из этого следует что будет создана система скоринга, при которой потенциальный иммигрант должен быть:
- skilled (ограничение по образованию?)
- должен будет доказать свою состоятельность (очевидно показав (или инвестировав) несколько (десятков?) тысяч долларов на счету, что гарантирует что он не станет обузой для налогоплательщиков
- я бы и знание языка добавил ещё.
Как по мне, так это исключительно правильный шаг. Удивительно правда что The “diversity visa” lottery is susceptible to fraud. У нас то все думают что всё по честному
Пройдите по ссылке, найдите текст. Там в тексте есть описание как будут присуждаться баллы и в каком количестве.
“SEC. 220. Immigration points system.
“(a) In general.—An alien is eligible to submit an application for placement in the eligible applicant pool under section 203(b)(1) if the applicant has accrued a total of 20 points under this section.
“(b) Education.—
“(1) IN GENERAL.—An applicant may only accrue points for educational attainment under this section based on the highest degree obtained by the applicant as of the date on which the applicant submits an application under section 203(b).
“(2) UNITED STATES OR FOREIGN HIGH SCHOOL DEGREE.—An applicant whose highest degree is a diploma from a high school in the United States, or the foreign equivalent of such a degree, as determined by the Secretary of Education, shall accrue 1 point.
“(3) FOREIGN BACHELOR’S DEGREE.—An applicant who has received the foreign equivalent of a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher education, as determined by the Secretary of Education, but has not received a degree described in paragraphs (5) through (8), shall accrue 5 points.
“(4) UNITED STATES BACHELOR’S DEGREE.—An applicant who has received a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher education, but has not received a degree described in paragraphs (5) through (8), shall accrue 6 points.
“(5) FOREIGN MASTER’S DEGREE IN STEM.—An applicant whose highest degree is a master’s degree in STEM from a foreign college or university, approved by the Secretary of Education, shall accrue 8 points.
“(6) UNITED STATES MASTER’S DEGREE IN STEM.—An applicant whose highest degree is a master’s degree in STEM from an institution of higher education shall accrue 10 points.
“(7) FOREIGN PROFESSIONAL DEGREE OR DOCTORATE DEGREE IN STEM.—An applicant whose highest degree is a foreign professional degree or a doctorate degree in STEM, approved by the Secretary of Education, shall accrue 12 points.
“(8) UNITED STATES PROFESSIONAL DEGREE OR DOCTORATE DEGREE IN STEM.—An applicant whose highest degree is a United States professional degree or a doctorate degree in STEM from an institution of higher education shall accrue 15 points. For purposes of this paragraph, a doctorate degree in STEM must be a degree from an institution that—
“(A) is described in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001(a)) or is a proprietary institution of higher education (as defined in section 102(b) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1002(b)));
“(B) was classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching on January 1, 2013, as a doctorate-granting university with a very high or high level of research activity or classified by the National Science Foundation after the date of enactment of this paragraph, pursuant to an application by the institution, as having equivalent research activity to those institutions that had been classified by the Carnegie Foundation as being doctorate-granting universities with a very high or high level of research activity;
“(C) has been in existence for at least 10 years; and
“(D) is accredited by an accrediting body that is itself accredited either by the Department of Education or by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
“(9) APPROVED FOREIGN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND DEGREES.—The Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, in cooperation with the Secretary of Education, shall maintain and regularly update a list of foreign educational institutions and degrees that meet accreditation standards equivalent to those recognized by major United States accrediting agencies and are approved for the purpose of accruing points under this subsection.
“(c) Job offer.—
“(1) IN GENERAL.—An applicant may accrue, for highly compensated employment under this subsection—
“(A) 5 points if the annual salary being offered by the applicant’s prospective employer is at least 150 percent of the median household income in the State in which the applicant will be employed, as determined by the Secretary of Labor, and less than 200 percent of such median household income;
“(B) 8 points if the annual salary being offered by the applicant’s prospective employer is at least 200 percent of the median household income in the State in which the applicant will be employed, as determined by the Secretary of Labor, and less than 300 percent of such median household income; and
“(C) 13 points if the annual salary being offered by the applicant’s prospective employer is at least 300 percent of the median household income in the State in which the applicant will be employed, as determined by the Secretary of Labor.
“(2) REQUIREMENT.—An applicant may not be placed in the eligible applicant pool under section 203(b)(1) if—
“(A) the applicant has not received a degree higher than a bachelor’s degree; and
“(B) the applicant does not accrue any points under paragraph (1).
“(d) Valid offer of admission under family preference category.—Any alien who was granted admission to the United States under section 203(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of this Act, shall be entitled to 2 points if—
“(1) the applicant was scheduled to receive an immigrant visa under that preference category; and
“(2) the applicant did not receive an immigrant visa during the 1-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act.
“(e) English language proficiency.—
“(1) IN GENERAL.—In addition to any other points accrued under this section, an applicant may accrue points for English language proficiency in accordance with this subsection based on the highest English language assessment test ranking of the applicant as of the date on which the applicant submits an application under section 203(b).
“(2) 1ST THROUGH 5TH DECILES.—An applicant whose English language proficiency test score is lower than the 6th decile rank shall not accrue any points under this subsection.
“(3) 6TH AND 7TH DECILES.—An applicant whose English language proficiency test score is in the 6th or 7th decile ranks shall accrue 6 points.
“(4) 8TH DECILE.—An applicant whose English language proficiency test score is in the 8th decile rank shall accrue 8 points.
“(5) 9TH DECILE.—An applicant whose English language proficiency test score is in the 9th decile rank shall accrue 9 points.
“(6) 10TH DECILE.—An applicant whose English language proficiency test score is in the 10th decile rank shall accrue 10 points.
“(f) Age.—
“(1) IN GENERAL.—In addition to any other points accrued under this section, an applicant may accrue points for age under this subsection based on the age of the applicant on the date on which the applicant submits an application under section 203(b)(1).
“(2) AGES 0 THROUGH 17.—An alien who has not reached 18 years of age may not submit an application under section 203(b)(1).
“(3) AGES 18 THROUGH 21.—An applicant who is at least 18 years of age and younger than 22 years of age shall accrue 6 points.
“(4) AGES 22 THROUGH 25.—An applicant who is at least 22 years of age and younger than 26 years of age shall accrue 8 points.
“(5) AGES 26 THROUGH 30.—An applicant who is at least 26 years of age and younger than 31 years of age shall accrue 10 points.
“(6) AGES 31 THROUGH 35.—An applicant who is at least 31 years of age and younger than 36 years of age shall accrue 8 points.
“(7) AGES 36 THROUGH 40.—An applicant who is at least 36 years of age and younger than 41 years of age shall accrue 6 points.
“(8) AGES 41 THROUGH 45.—An applicant who is at least 41 years of age and younger than 46 years of age shall accrue 4 points.
“(9) AGES 46 THROUGH 50.—An applicant who is at least 46 years of age and younger than 51 years of age shall accrue 2 points.
“(10) AGE 51 AND OLDER.—An applicant who is at least 51 years of age may submit an application under section 203(b), but shall not accrue any points on account of age.
“(g) Definitions.—In this section:
“(1) DEGREE IN STEM.—The term ‘degree in STEM’ means a degree in a field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics from a United States institution of higher education, or have successfully completed a dental or medical residency program (within the summary group of residency programs in the Department of Education’s Classification of Instructional Programs taxonomy), a medical degree (MD) in a program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of medicine (series 51.12 in the Department of Education’s Classification of Instructional Programs taxonomy), a dentistry degree (DDS, DMD) in a program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of dentistry/dental medicine (series 51.04 in the Department of Education’s Classification of Instructional Programs taxonomy), or an osteopathic medicine/osteopathy degree (DO) in a program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of osteopathic medicine (series 51.19 in the Department of Education’s Classification of Instructional Programs taxonomy).
“(2) FIELD OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, OR MATHEMATICS.—The term ‘field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics’ means a field included in the Department of Education’s Classification of Instructional Programs taxonomy within the summary groups of computer and information sciences and support services, engineering, biological and biomedical sciences, mathematics and statistics, physical sciences, and the series geography and cartography (series 45.07), advanced/graduate dentistry and oral sciences (series 51.05) and nursing (series 51.38).
“(3) HIGH SCHOOL.—The term ‘high school’ has the meaning given such term in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
“(4) INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION.—The term ‘institution of higher education’ has the same meaning given that term in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001).
“(5) IELTS.—The term ‘IELTS’ means the International English Language Testing System.
“(6) TOEFL.—The term ‘TOEFL’ means the Test of English as a Foreign Language.
“(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph (B), the term ‘English language proficiency test ranking’ means the decile rank of the applicant’s English language proficiency test score, when compared with all of the other people who took the same test during the same period.
“(B) ADJUSTMENT.—The Commissioner of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, may adjust the decile rank of an applicant’s English language proficiency test score if the number of people taking such test is too small or unusually skewed to make such decile rank inconsistent with the decile rank the applicant would have received if he or she had taken the IELTS or TOEFL.
“(8) ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TEST.—The term ‘English language proficiency test’ means—
“(A) the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), as administered by a partnership between the British Council, IDP Education, and Cambridge English Language Assessment;
“(B) the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), as administered by the Educational Testing Service; or
“(C) any other test to measure English proficiency that has been approved by the Commissioner of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for purposes of subsection (f) that meets the standards of English-language ability measurement and anti-fraud integrity set by the IELTS or the TOEFL.”.
(2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of contents for the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 219 the following:
Какая-то жуткая смесь из RAISE Act и ещё нескольких биллов.
Я с вот этого текста поржал Text - H.R.2724 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Act of 2017 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress