Сахалин: Россия или Япония

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Chtoby prohodit’ interview v Seule vy doljny nahodits’aia v Koree kak minimum v oba momenta:

  1. V moment posylki form DSP-122 i DS-230 v KCC
  2. V moment interview.

A luchshe i vse vremia mejdu nimi

Спасибо, огромное, понял! Только как определить где 50 параллель не знаю.

Po tomu, komu prinadlejal gorod do 1945 goda.

est’ i drugoi sposob.
Vvodite gorod, poluchaete koordinaty.

nevelsk Russia

Latitude: 59.461479 / Longitude: 108.831779

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Nu kak, proverili?

poproboval-- poluchil Sakhalin, Uglegorsk— Latitude: 49.064812 / Longitude: 142.107193 chto skazhite?

A kriterii eto tochno 50 parallel ili primerno?

A kriterii eto tochno 50 parallel ili primerno?
Tochno 50.
49.064812 - eto men’she 50. Znachit, yujnee. Chto podtverjdaet to, chto gorod byl iaponskim do 1945 goda. Vse shoditsia.
Kstati, konsul eto legko proverit. Naprimer, tem je sposobom.

1 лайк

Znachit ot Yaponii, no ved etot vopros kak ya ponimayu aktualen na inter’yu i tolko, poskolku v Rossii est i drugie goroda s tochno takim zhe nazvaniem. Tak li?

1 лайк

ia ne ponial voprosa. Vy hotite skazat’, chto v svidetel’stve o rojdenii u vas neiasno, eto gorod na sahaline ili v uriupisnkoi oblasti? Ili na sahaline neskol’ko gorodov s etim nazvaniem?

Na Sahaline on odin, v svidetelstve napisanno— Sahalinskaya oblast, g.Uglegorsk. V zayavke mne kak nado pisat? V grafe gorod v kotorom vi rodilis: Southen Sahalin, Uglegorsk ili prosto Uglegorsk i potom stranu rozhdeniya -Russia?

Southern Sakhalin, Uglegorsk
Strana rojdenia - Russia.
Strana, ot kotoroi igraete - Japan.

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Spasibo gospodin Raevsky,vi zdorovo pomogaete lyudyam, teper vrode vse ponyatno, Respekt !

gospodin Raevsky, a otkuda vzyalsya etot kriterii 50 parallel, otvette esli ne trudno.

Aaaa, ponial.
berete http://atlas.mapquest.com/maps/latlong.adp
Podtsvaliaete koordinaty, poluchaete kartu. Vidno chto Sahalin.

Pochemu imenno 50 parallel, i v kakom zakone eto reglamentiruetsya?


Treaty of Portsmouth

The Imperial Russian Government cedes to the Imperial Government of Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the southern portion of the Island of Saghalin and all the islands adjacent thereto and the public works and properties thereon. The fiftieth degree of north latitude is adopted as the northern boundary of the ceded territory. The exact alignment of such territory shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the additional article II annexed to this treaty.

As soon as possible after the present treaty comes into force a committee of delimitation composed of an equal number of members is to be appointed by the two high contracting parties which shall on the spot mark in a permanent manner the exact boundary between the Japanese and Russian possessions on the Island of Saghalin. The commission shall be bound so far as topographical considerations permit to follow the fiftieth parallel of north latitude as the boundary line, and in case any deflections from that line at any points are found to be necessary compensation will be made by correlative deflections at other points. It shall also be the duty of the said commission to prepare a list and a de******ion of the adjacent islands included in the cession, and finally the commission shall prepare and sign maps showing the boundaries of the ceded territory. The work of the commission shall be subject to the approval of the high contracting parties.


San Francisco Peace Treaty

(c) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Kurile Islands, and to that portion of Sakhalin and the islands adjacent to it over which Japan acquired sovereignty as a consequence of the Treaty of Portsmouth of 5 September 1905.

USA isol’zuiut 50-uiu parallel’ poskol’ku imenno na Portsmouth Treaty ssylaetsia San Fransisco Treaty

3 лайка

Были такие случаи, о которых Вам доподлинно известно? Ведь жители еврейских поселений родились в больницах, которые находятся на основной территории Израиля. Я не думаю, что кто-то из поселенцев в Газе или с Западного берега родился в местных больницах. Соответственно в св-ве о рождении ребенка будет указно в пункте место рождения город, в котором находится именно больница, а не город не территориях, в котором живут его родители. В таком случае он может ( да и обязан) играть от Израиля. Разве не так?

Я плохо знаком с географией и системой здравоохранения Сахалина и Курильских островов, но возможно есть жители этих регионов, которые родились на территории России.

Yujnyi Sahalin tochno takaia je Rossia, kak i Severnyi (s 1946 goda, ili, mojet byt’, 1945-ogo). Bolee togo, administrativnyi centr sahalinskoi oblasti (Yujno-Sahalinsk) nahoditsia na yuge i tam je projivaet bol’shinstvo naselenia Sahalina. Tam je i luchshue bol’nicy i roddoma Sahalina. A voobsce Sahalin nemalen’kii ostrov. Bolee 1000 km s severa na yug. I granica prohodit poseredine. Pri polnom bezdoroj’e 500 km v roddom ne poedesh’.

Naschet Gazy. A kak vy dumaete, gde rojaiut arabskie jensciny - jitel’nicy Gazy? I kak im bylo dogadat’sia, chto oni doljny igrat’ ot Egipta?