ТЕСТ: Можете ли Вы стать гражданином США

B!! of course! by Abraham Lincoln!

You answered 50% of questions correctly

85% - Welcome to the United States! :slight_smile:

Welcome to the United States!

You answered 75% of questions correctly (15 out of 20)

Welcome to the United States!

You answered 65%of questions correctly (13 out of 20)
Average Score: 85% (17 out of 20)
60%-100%: Welcome to the United States! :usa:

You answered 75% of questions correctly (15 out of 20)

Welcome to the United States!

You answered 70% of questions correctly (14 out of 20)
Average Score: 85% (17 out of 20)
60%-100%: Welcome to the United States!

You answered 60% of questions correctly (12 out of 20)
Average Score: 85% (17 out of 20)

Где моя виза?)

круто 85% )))) интересный тест )) что-то интуитивно, что-то по знаниям


20 из 20. Наверное, потому что брала [history class] в прошлом семестре. Интервью на гражданство через три недели, надеюсь отвечу на вопросы оффицера с таким же успехом. :slight_smile:

15 из 20!!!

13 из 20 )))))

You answered 65% of questions correctly (13 out of 20)
Average Score: 85% (17 out of 20)
60%-100%: Welcome to the United States!

You answered 60% of questions correctly (12 out of 20)
Average Score: 85% (17 out of 20)
60%-100%: Welcome to the United States!

Average Score: 85%

You answered 60% of questions correctly (12 out of 20)
60%-100%: Welcome to the United States!
Сложно было)))

0-30%: Back to the books…

You answered 75% of questions correctly (15 out of 20)
Average Score: 60%-100%:
Welcome to the United States!