Good news для тех, кто еще только планирует подаваться

Есть в списке моя профессия, но не радуюсь. Отменили упрошёнку, подавая пакет, не зная, попадёшь ли в лимит, короче- лотерея =(

А может быть отмена упрощенки - это даже лучше? :slight_smile: Я вообще не понимаю функцию Сиднея. Они получают деньги и анкеты, заполненные с наших слов, даже баллы, по моему, не считают. Только смотрят, подходишь по профессии или нет. Эти анкеты туда еще отправь. Короче, если надо будет сразу доки отправлять, может это и лучше.

Ввели лимит 1000 спецов, это лучше? Китайцы и индусы моментально заполнят лимиты

Мне знакомая из Канады сказала, что по ее мнению Китайцы вообще по какой-то своей программе идут, потому что их прибывает несметное количество и спустя короткий промежуток времени они умудряются перетащить туда все свое многочисленное семейство.

они просто более сплоченные и своих тянут . условия одинаковые

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может у них местный VO крайне лояльный и пропускает всех, кто одобрен Сиднеем? :slight_smile: типа получили одобрение Сиднея, ну и идите сразу на медицину, и не забивайте нам голову и помещение вашими бумажками

имхо отмена упрощенки - это гуд, и было бы совсем гуд, если бы они не ввели лимит общий и по нокам. кстати, кто, интересно, будет заниматься проверками документов - Сидней или все же локальные VO?

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А какой квота была до этих нововведений по федеральному классу? Сильно уменьшилось?

без джоб офера рассматривать не будут, так ли?

В 2009 выдали 40,729 виз основным аппликантам по Skilled workers

Сейчас сократили до 20,000 и ввели лимит не более 1,000 по каждому НОКу.

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Проанализировав таблицы, я сделала вывод, что общее количество иммигрантов, въезжающих в Канаду меняется не значительно и остается примерно на одном уровне, а вот Квалифицированных специалистов с каждым годом берут все меньше и меньше :frowning:

News Release
Government of Canada will welcome more economic immigrants in 2010

Toronto, June 26, 2010 — Canada is adjusting its 2010 immigration plan to put even greater emphasis on economic recovery and further reduce the federal skilled worker backlog, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney told a news conference today.

“When I met with my provincial colleagues last week, they all stressed the importance of economic immigration,” Minister Kenney said. “As we recover from the recession, increasing economic immigration will help ensure employers have the workers they need to supplement our domestic labour supply.”

Each year, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) sets out a plan for the number of immigrants it intends to welcome within economic, family and humanitarian immigration categories. The planned range for 2010 is 240,000 – 265,000 immigrants. CIC generally achieves the midpoint of this range. In 2010, CIC anticipates achieving the upper end of this range, allowing Canada to welcome more immigrants in the economic category than originally planned. This includes federal skilled workers and record-level numbers of provincial nominees, without reducing the number in the family or humanitarian immigration categories.

Minister Kenney noted that some of his provincial colleagues expect the need will grow further in the years ahead. “This is something we will need to take into consideration when we consult more broadly on plans for future years,” he said.

Even with higher numbers of economic immigrants, Canada still receives many more applications than can be processed in a timely way. As a result, the department is limiting the number of new applications it will consider in the federal skilled worker category every year.

“Canada will continue to welcome historically high numbers of immigrants, but we need to manage the number of new applications or risk creating new backlogs and longer processing times,” Minister Kenney said. “We have more than enough applications on hand now to fill many of our needs, and we want to be fair to those people who have been waiting the longest.”

Effective immediately, to be eligible to apply as a federal skilled worker, applicants must either have a job offer, or they must have experience in one of 29 in-demand occupations. These occupations were identified through analysis of updated labour market information and consultations with provinces, territories, stakeholders and the public.

For those applying under the occupation list, the government will limit the number of applications considered for processing to 20,000 per year as a way to better manage the supply of applications with labour market demand. Within the 20,000 limit, a maximum of 1,000 applications per occupation will be considered. The limit does not apply to applicants with a job offer.

In addition, all federal skilled worker and Canadian Experience Class applicants must submit the results of an independent language test before they will be considered.

Other than the language test result requirement, these changes apply only to the federal skilled worker immigration category. The authority for the changes, known as ministerial instructions, comes from amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act approved by Parliament in 2008 as part of the Action Plan for Faster Immigration.

The instructions are meant as a flexible tool to allow the government to keep the intake of applications for economic immigration in line with the number and types of jobs available in Canada, as well as reduce application backlogs and processing times.

Since the first instructions were issued in November 2008, the backlog of federal skilled worker applicants in process prior to the legislation has dropped from 640,000 to 380,000. The majority of decisions on new applications are being made in six to 12 months, compared with up to six years prior to the changes. But in the first quarter of 2010, the number of new applications rose significantly beyond the department’s ability to process them in a timely way, leading to the recognition that a more refined approach is necessary.

“These changes bring Canada in line with the practices of the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, our main competitors for skilled immigrants,” said Minister Kenney. “They help match the supply of applicants to our processing capacity and today’s post-recession job market needs. This is the only responsible way to manage our immigration system.”

The Government is also proposing new eligibility criteria for the immigrant investor program so it makes an even greater contribution to the Canadian economy. Proposed regulatory changes will require new investors to have a personal net worth of $1.6M, up from $800,000, and make an investment of $800,000, up from $400,000. These proposals were pre-published today in the Canada Gazette for a 30-day public comment period.

Canada’s current criteria for investors are the lowest in the world, and have not been changed since 1999. As a result the program draws a larger number of applicants than can be admitted every year under the immigration plan, and processing times are increasing.

Until the changes are finalized, the Government will stop accepting new investor applications to prevent a flood of applications before the new criteria take effect, which would stretch processing times even further. When the new criteria are in place, new applications will be processed alongside the old ones. In this way, Canada can begin to realize the benefits of the changes immediately.

“Canada needs investor immigrants,” said Minister Kenney. “These changes are necessary to keep Canada’s program competitive with that of other countries, and keep pace with the changing economy.”

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For further information (media only), please contact:

Celyeste Power
Minister’s Office
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Media Relations
Communications Branch
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Вывод сделала следующий.
Канада собирается привлекать намного больше иммигрантов по категории Квалифицированных специалистов. Но теперь иммиграция будет намного эффективнее для Канадских потребностей (более гибкая, продуманная). Они хотят пропускать ограниченное количество специалистов по специальностям, которые сейчас востребованы, чтобы не переборщить. заметьте, что лимиты не касаются тех, у кого есть джоб оффер. К тому же сейчас подается просто огромное количество людей со всего мира и они просто не успевают обрабатывать заявления. Еще поэтому они и заварили эту кашу. Но экономических иммигрантов будет в Канаде все больше и больше с каждым годом. Так что все нормально! Ищите работу и тогда вас эти лимиты не коснутся!

Frequently asked questions – Changes to federal skilled worker and investor immigration programs
On Federal Skilled Worker Program Changes

  1. Who are federal skilled workers and why do we need them?

Federal skilled worker immigrants are selected based on their ability to become economically established in Canada. Canada needs federal skilled workers because they have the right mix of skills, education, and experience to meet the current and long term demands of the economy. They also have the transferable skills to adapt to a changing labour market.

  1. Why are temporary foreign workers and international students no longer eligible to apply for permanent residence under the federal skilled worker program?

Temporary foreign workers and international students are still eligible to apply under the federal skilled worker category if they have an offer of arranged employment or experience in one of the 29 in-demand occupations.

However, we’ve removed the eligibility criterion that applied to temporary foreign workers and students specifically to avoid overlap with the now-established Canadian Experience Class and the Provincial Nominee Program, both of which target the same pool of applicants.

  1. Why are you introducing a cap?

We are now receiving more federal skilled worker applications than we can process and accept each year. We have more than enough applications on hand now to fill many of our needs. A cap is the only guaranteed way to limit the number of applications we receive. Without the cap on applications, processing times will get longer and a new backlog could be created.

We will continue to admit the same number of federal skilled workers as in previous years, and in fact we believe that there will be higher economic admissions this year in support of the recovery and further reductions in the backlog.

  1. Is the annual cap by calendar year, fiscal year or from the date the instructions are published?

The first year will begin on June 26, 2010 and end on June 30, 2011. Subsequent years will be calculated from July 1st to June 30th.

  1. What is meant by a cap? Does that limit refer to the total number of applications received or the total number of applications processed, or the total number of applications that are successful?

The cap is a limit on the number of complete applications considered for processing. In this case, Citizenship and Immigration Canada will only consider a maximum of 20,000 complete applications under the occupation list. There is no limit to the number of applicants with a job offer. Within the 20,000 cap, a maximum of 1,000 federal skilled worker applications per occupation will be considered for processing each year.

  1. Why are you imposing a limit per occupation?

We’re introducing a limit of 1,000 applications per occupation to better manage the supply of applications on the occupation list. We have seen higher than expected numbers of applicants claiming experience in eligible occupations. The limit will allow us prevent an over-representation of any one occupation on the list.

  1. What will happen with applications received after the cap is reached? How will applicants know their application isn’t being processed?

These applicants will be informed, in writing, that their application will not continue for processing and that their processing fees will be returned.

  1. How will applications subject to new instructions be processed as compared to applications subject to the first set of instructions and the backlog?

All applications subject to ministerial instructions (everything received since February 27, 2008) will be considered for processing in the order they are received.

All federal skilled worker applications received before February 27, 2008 fall into the backlog, and will be processed concurrently with the applications received since that date (and that are subject to instructions).

  1. Why are you eliminating the simplified application?

Since we changed to the simplified application we’ve noticed a significantly higher number of applicants withdraw when asked for their supporting documents, or full application. By eliminating the simplified application and asking for all the documentation at once, we will make processing more efficient. Eliminating the simplified application shaves 120 days off the total processing time, because this is the time we allowed applicants to send in their supporting documents.
On changes to language testing

  1. What changes are you making to the language requirements?

Under the changes to the Federal Skilled Worker Program and the Canadian Experience Class, all new applicants are required to include the results of an English or French language test as part of their application.

Previously, applicants also had the option of proving their language ability via a written submission. The written submission was intended for people whose first language was English or French. However, non-native English and French speakers frequently used this option, making it difficult for visa officers to perform an accurate assessment of the applicant’s true language ability. As a result CIC now only accepts designated third-party language tests as proof of language ability.

  1. Are any applicants exempt from the mandatory language test? What about applicants from English or French speaking countries? Why would someone from England need to take an English test, for example?

There are no exceptions to this rule. We want to ensure that all applicants are evaluated against the same standards, no matter what their language of origin, nationality or ethnicity.

  1. When did this change come into effect?

The change applies to all federal skilled worker and Canadian Experience Class applications received on or after June 26th, 2010.

  1. What improvements in processing times do you anticipate with this change?

Visa officers will now only spend minutes evaluating language proficiency as they will simply assign points based on the language test results. This compares to the months it takes to process an application when written evidence is provided and found insufficient.

  1. What are the advantages for applicants of submitting the results of a third-party language assessment to demonstrate ability in English and/or French?

The biggest advantage for the applicant is that they will know ahead of time how their language proficiency will be evaluated. Federal skilled worker applicants will know exactly how many points they will be awarded. In addition, applicants get an objective, realistic assessment of their language ability and areas for possible improvement.

Submitting a language test is also the most efficient way to evaluate language proficiency; it speeds up application processing. Finally, many regulatory bodies and industry sectors require language testing or other proof of language assessment, so in taking the test applicants are one step further on the path to integration into the Canadian labour market.

  1. Where can applicants get tested for language proficiency?

Language tests for FSW and CEC applicants are available internationally through the International English Language Testing Service and the Test d’évaluation du français. FSW applicants can also obtain a language test in Canada through the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program. More information and details on the language test requirements.

  1. What is the cost of third-party language testing for applicants?

The cost of the International English Language Testing Service, the standard test for English language proficiency, ranges from a low of C$123 in Pakistan to a high of C$265 in Canada. The average price is under C$200. The costs for the Test d’évaluation du français, the standard test for French language proficiency, are similar to those of International English Language Testing Service.
On the Federal Immigrant Investor Program (IIP)

  1. Why are you no longer accepting new applications?

Under Canada’s current criteria, the volume of applications submitted under the IIP has grown exponentially in recent years. This recent surge in applications has resulted in a rising inventory and processing times are increasing.

We are not accepting new applications until the changes are finalized as we would like to prevent a flood of applications before the new criteria take effect. The limit on investor immigrant applications is intended as a short-term measure and is not intended to stay in place indefinitely.

The province of Quebec has its own IIP and processing of applications for permanent residence for investors selected by the province will continue as usual.

  1. How long will the limit be in place?

The Department will no longer accept new applications until the new regulations are approved, which is targeted for early fall 2010.

  1. What happens if the regulations aren’t approved? Will the limit stay in place indefinitely?

The limit is intended as a short-term measure and is not intended to stay in place indefinitely.

  1. Will this affect Quebec-selected investors?

The proposed regulatory changes to the eligibility criteria would also apply to Quebec-selected investors. However, the limit will not apply to Quebec-selected Investors.