Presidential Proclamation on Health Care

Так потому что вы дезинформацию о факте написали, а вас человек поправил, вот вы и губы раскатали от обиды. Всё весьма просто и понятно.:facepalm:

Вообще инициатива очень классная для тех, кто собирается покупать страховку. Я потратил на месте полтора месяца и около 15 часов с Кайзером на телефоне, чтобы у меня появилась страховка, а с двумя маленькими детьми она крайне нужна (e.g. 6 month well-child visit + vaccination почти штука баксов, а на страховке бесплатно).
Конечно, для тех кто планирует как-то приземлиться на пособия дело обстоит чуть хуже, но там тоже особых проблем нет - приезжаете и делаете заявку через маркетплейс на месте. Зато пока месяц-два будет идти ревью - вы будете застрахованы.

Доброго времени суток!

b) Section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply to:
(i) any alien holding a valid immigrant visa issued before the effective date of this

Т.е. если я получил дв визу 12.09.19 меня эта петиция не коснется? Или проверка будет проходить на этапе пересечения мной границы 15.11.19. нужно ли мне сейчас срочно покупать страховку?

If your visa was issued before law goes in to effect (November 3rd, 2019), then you are not required to purchase health insurance. While there are no requirements in your specific situation, it is still good idea to purchase a policy in order to make sure you are covered within United States and it’s territories. Based on current laws and regulations, legal immigrants are not allowed to purchase insurance from major domestic insurance company for one year due to high risk. There are specific US based Insurance Companies who offers coverage for such legal immigrants and the policy is issued for 364 days.

If you do not have health care insurance and go to emergency room for treatment, you are going to face significant financial challenges. Unless you are ready to pay for it, you may face consequences with your future legal process towards citizenship status since United States is trying to cut down on health care costs and anyone who is abusing the system may be determined to be “Public Charge” and may loose their potential privileges. While United States is very generous country and offers help to people from around the World, American People demand changes because they are the ones to pay for it and they can no longer tolerate it, therefore, anyone looking to abuse the system are going to learn the hard way and may not be considered for citizenship,

So, if you can purchase insurance for 1 year until you can purchase major domestic policy, do it. Do not risk getting sick in America because you have to pay for high quality services. And if you do not pay, then you chances to have bright future will diminish dramatically. Things are changing rapidly right now and steps are taken to protect those who pay for others who ignore or abuse the system. America is no longer a country that will tolerate abuse of any kind. While medical services will be provided regardless if you have insurance or not, it does not mean that it will not reflect badly on your record in case you do not pay for it. Do not rely on what used to work before, things have changed and will not get any better for those who plan to abuse any system, not only health services.

Any visa issued as of November 3rd will require purchase of health insurance from US based insurance company and it is very important to follow the law as written, otherwise, entry to United States will be denied.

1 лайк

Да ладно народ то пугать, в emergency не обязательно идти, есть urgent care, которая значительно дешевле. Есть системы независимых клиник, как у нас в KY Little Clinic, где прием доктора без страховки порядка $80. Для обычной простуды, прививки, лекарства выписать от давления и т.д. - вполне приемлимая цена.

Прием специалиста без страховки в больших госпиталях/центрах (онкология например) - 250-300 долларов. Это тоже по силам даже из кармана заплатить. Если нужно дорогостоящее лечение (химио терапия или операция) - то да, страховка необходима, не спорю. Но это к 99.9% иммигрантов никаким боком не относится. Человек на последних стадиях рака или с тяжелым диабетом не поедет в США, вы наверное мало себе представляете, в каком состоянии пациент при таких заболеваниях.

В большинстве случаев - местные американцы как раз банкротятся и на шею штата садятся, а не иммигранты. Ну или сидят на шее штата - про опиоидную эпидемию слышали наверное? Работаю в медицине с семьями и больными детишками, в том числе с семьями иммигрантов, вижу всю эту кухню изнутри, как говориться.

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It’s seems you did not follow what I have said. Legal Immigrants can NOT purchase domestic insurance policies for one year, the only companies doing so are specialised US based companies who insures for 364 days.

While your personal story is very interesting, it has nothing to do with the actual subject of the conversation. It may be possible that you work with refugee immigrants which is totally different situation than the one described in New November 3rd Law.

And for your information, America had 700,000 visa overstays in 2018. On top of it most legal immigrants goes on welfare almost immediately based on one issue or another. Check actual statistics and you will see how many billions of dollars are spent by US to provide free healthcare and many other services to citizens of other countries who does indeed look for ways to scam and abuse the system.

Most importantly is to understand that this law is the first step towards changes in US immigration laws. Things will move forward with additional steps. Anyone who becomes “public charge” will loose their opportunity to become a citizen. What does it mean for any legal immigrant? It’s not a good picture because any legal immigrant can be deported at ANY time (even after 20 years) unlike US Citizen no matter what they did.

Therefore, my point is to help people avoid making mistakes and instead take steps towards actual future in America. Again, things are changing and everyone should do it right as of November 3rd to avoid regrets. This president does it because he promised to do it and he will not stop, so my advise here is to only caution people to read the law. It is written for a reason and if ignored will lead to unintentional consequences.


Не коснется.

1 лайк

Подскажите, программа medicaid в Нью Йорке считается как public charge?
Какие последствия будут для держателя green card, если пользоваться страховкой medicaid?

вбиваете в поисковую строку: USCIS public charge и попадаете сюда:
можете прочитать только блок “What publicly funded benefits may not be considered for public charge purposes?”

только не забудьте проверить, что вы eligible для medicaid, поскольку для лотерейщиков и прочих похожих, там не элиджибл первые 5 лет.

Medicaid is State Program that offers free healthcare to individuals with low income. Each State has its own rules and limits. Health Care is the most expensive service compared to cost of living and food, therefore, it is considered public charge regardless of your status,

New November 3rd law talks specifically about public charge in relation to all new legal immigrants. It is there for a reason.

The consequence for using any type of public services by someone who is not yet a citizen may be denial of citizenship privileges in the future. While it has not yet been the case in the past, this new law is first step towards protecting American Tax Payer who pays for it. All future laws to stop abuse are already written and will become effective as soon as Trump wins second term and he will get re-elected despite misinformation on TV.

So plan carefully. It does not matter if you are getting social services from NY or California. It will mark your record (social security) and any federal agency have access to it.

The bottom line. ANY social services are issued to individual Social Security number and in very near future will play a role towards your legal standing in US. Anyone who ignores it right now may regret it going forward because Citizenship is the only real protection against deportations and anyone who abused public system will be denied such privilege.

На этом месте я встал, перекрестился на американский флаг, и тихонько спел первые строки из гимна.

God bless America!

Я как раз из лотерейщиков и прочих похожих, поэтому не eligible для medicaid.
Подала заявку на essential plan 4. Судя по моим изысканиям, эта страховка не считается public charge.

Никто ещё точно не знает как это будет работать, не понятно откуда MarkFlorida взял все эти подробности.

Health Care is the most expensive service compared to cost of living and food, therefore, it is considered public charge regardless of your status

USCIS с вами не согласен:

What publicly funded benefits may not be considered for public charge purposes?

  • Medicaid and other health insurance and health services (including public assistance for immunizations and for testing and treatment of symptoms of communicable diseases; use of health clinics, short-term rehabilitation services, and emergency medical services) other than support for long-term institutional care
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

The consequence for using any type of public services by someone who is not yet a citizen may be denial of citizenship privileges in the future.

Не вижу этого в документе.

While it has not yet been the case in the past, this new law is first step towards protecting American Tax Payer who pays for it.

Ну вот я тоже American Tax Payer, хоть и не гражданин.

will become effective as soon as Trump wins second term and he will get re-elected

Трамп не Путин, такие вопросы тоже заранее не известны никому.

В общем можно долго продолжать.

Thank You:) Very Proud of You! You get it…America is the home of the brave and the land of the free…and anyone with open heart and will to get here are welcome at ANY time! Things got upside down for decades and people from around the world were looking for ways to get here for wrong reasons…American people spoke loud and clear by electing a man who cares for American people and working very hard to lower the cost of high quality health care for millions of working Americans.

Every month US tax payer covers billions of $$ to cover social services for citizens from around the world many of whom are here just to exploit the system for as long as they live here and all they do is talk about rights without any regard to responsibilities. We will always protect those who suffers or have special needs because IN GOD WE TRUST! But America is no longer a place for users and abusers regardless of where they came from and people who pay for everything are tired from increased costs every year and at some point someone like Trump had to be elected to stop the madness.

какой феерический бред

1 лайк

“Не вижу этого в документе.”

This document reflects the law as of today.

“Ну вот я тоже American Tax Payer, хоть и не гражданин.”

I do hope you become one!

“Трамп не Путин, такие вопросы тоже заранее не известны никому.”

Trump already have all these laws written. They are sitting on his desk as first priority. Because Republican Party only controls the Senate, but does not control the Congress it is being delayed until next election. Immigration and abuse of public social services is one of the major reasons he won against all odds.

America is the home of the brave and the land of the free…

Скупая мужская слеза скатилась по моей щеке.

Угу, раньше страховки дорожали, а как Трампа выбрали - с каждым годом всё дешевле! Спасибо Дональду!

Essential Plan 4 is subsidised by US tax payer. How much do you pay for it? $20 a month? $30 a month? Do you really think it may cover high quality medical services without someone somewhere paying for it in full?

American family of 3 pays $1500 a month for health care with $5000 deductible for hospital. It should not be more than $500 a month with $0 deductible which is what you get with your essential plan and it can be considered “free”,

Make your own judgement if you are public charge or not. Just because you are enrolled in health plan does not mean it is not being paid for by the government and by the time you will apply for citizenship things may not turn out in your favor.

Pay attention to new law. Even Obama Care is prohibited from the list of accepted insurance policies and it is more expensive to get than your Essential Plan.

November 3rd law should spell out what’s coming and is written to be faithfully executed.

Not yet…health insurance is still rising because of stupid Obama Care that cares for everyone except for those who pays for everything. Trump couldn’t fix it right away because of John McCain vote (he was sick at the time with brain cancer and no one knows why he did it since he campaigned on it for 8 years) but will fix it once we take Congress back in 2020. Immigration laws will follow almost immediately and as I have already mentioned, they are ready to go…

Чёт я не пойму, зачем выпендриваться и писать на английском?
Тема эта более познавательна для новых иммигрантов, кто только что приехал или даже кто только собирается. А у них английский не такой свободный чтобы такие длинные тексты усваивать на лету.
Так кому все эти простыни предназначены?..