Внимание: мошенничество! — уведомление о выигрыше Green Card Lottery по e-mail

Внизу кнопочка есть “обратная связь”. Имхо, так быстрее обратят внимание.

а некоторым шлют на мэйл что не отобраны…а мне что-то не пришло такое сообщение

Посредники могут отправлять дубликаты, чтобы вы не выиграли

А мне периодически названивает USAFIS и голос автомат предлагает зерегестрироваться на DV2016, откуда у них мой номер?

Раньше никогда такого не было!! Как только мои 2 заявки пролетели в этом году так они начали названивать, но я с ними дело не имел никогда и анкеты всегда сам отправлял без посредников!!

Не доверяйте посредникам личную информацию и не будет этих проблем.

Посредники активизировались. Сегодня пришло письмо с noreply@state-dv.com (уже максимально приближенный к настоящему e-mail). Написано, что я победила (данные написаны те, которые я упомянула в телефонном разговре с ними лет 6-7 назад). Указан confirmation number, начинается с 2015 (то есть имеется в виду дв2015), и приведена ссылка на сайт, где можно проверить свой выигрыш (сайт идентичный настоящему сайту проверки). В общем, модернизировались они.


а CN не ваш?

CN не мой, да и фамилия уже давно как не моя) ради интереса зашла на официальный сайт, там такой CN с той фамилией не пробивается, пишет ошибку.

о чем тема вообще? Кидалово какое-то тупое…

Тоже самое. Наткнулся на письмо в папке “спам”. От “DV Lottery Notification notify@states-dv.com” CN не мой, домашний телефон верный.На оф.сайте все без изменений : пролет.

23 мая аж 2 письма с уведомлением о выигрыше пришло по dv15

Получил вчера письмо. Данные больше 3-х летней давности.
У них уже есть липовый сайт, где можно проверить статус (победа, что не вводи). А потом просьба про деньги и т.д.

Я тоже сегодня получил письмо “счастья”. Если бы не знал, что никто НИКОГДА не рассылает емайлы с уведомлениями о выигрыше, то может и поверил бы настолько всё сделано под официалов (фамилия и имя, номер телефона, семейное положение совпадает). Только с CN промахнулись, у меня другой (невыигравший).
Ещё сразу должно настораживать, что они просят отправить деньги в недельный срок. Хотел выложить скриншоты, но файлы по объёму не проходят.



You have been selected at random from over 12.1 million qualified entries (16.5 million with derivatives) received. The diversity lottery was conducted under the terms of section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act which makes available 50,000 permanent resident visas annually to persons from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.

The annual DV program makes visas available to persons meeting simple, but strict, eligibility requirements. The Department of State implemented the electronic fees processing system beginning with DV-2005 in order to make the DV process more efficient and secure.

With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a U.S. permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.

U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling (Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job (in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through Education USA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or University so you can continue your educational study.


Is the Diversity Visa FREE ?

No. There is a big confusion. Only the participation in the Diversity Visa Lottery was free but the winners must pay the visa processing fees.

United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee US $785.00

Although the Diversity Visa participation was free, the law and regulations require to every diversity visa winner to pay a visa processing fee of US $785.00. The Diversity Visa (Green Card) is guaranteed upon receiving the payment. The per person fee for each Diversity Visa is US $785.00, payable in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency. This US $785.00 fee is the only fee a winner needs to pay throughout the entire relocation process. Accompanying family members (wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, childrens, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, childrens, cousin) must pay US $785.00. There is no discount for childrens.

Please note that you are allowed to take with you as many family members you want. However for each person you must pay an additional amount of US $785.00. For example if you decide to move in the United States with your wife and a kid the total fee is US $785.00 (your fee) + US $785.00 (your wife’s fee) + US $785.00 (your kid’s fee) = US $2,355.00.
PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the fee payment primarily to process your visa related documents and verify your identity. Also you will get plane tickets for your travel. You can use the tickets at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel.
Visa Payment processing instructions

The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer, Western Union is a leading provider of International money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety. The payment will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom. The U.S. Department of State decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country. In order to receive the payment details for paying the processing fees you need to upload your passport and the passport or National ID of your accompanying family members ( only if this is the case ). If you do not have a passport you can use your National ID or Birth Certificate.

You must email your documents at [#l].

Please include your last name and your confirmation number.

Example (Identity ID or Passport for each member of your family)*

Formats File Acceptateble : JPG, PNG, PDF, GIF, TIFF, DOC, DOCX

Within 24 hours after you have uploaded the documents, you will receive a confirmation via email with the details that you need for paying the processing fees.

NOTE: Once you have received the winning notification, you have 7 working days for paying the processing fees. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays. Under no circumstances can diversity visas be issued or adjustments approved after this date, nor can family members obtain diversity visas to follow-to-join the principal applicant in the U.S. after this date.

After you have paid the processing fees, within 72 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with the exact date and time of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States.

You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time. A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to your postal address upon receiving the payment fees.

HelpFor any questions please contact U.S. Department of State’s Support at [#]. Always include your last name and your Confirmation Number.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: AUTHORITIES: The information asked for on this form is requested pursuant to Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court. PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the facts you provide on this form primarily to determine your classification and eligibility for a U.S. immigrant visa. Individuals who fail to submit this form or who do not provide all the requested information may be denied a U.S. immigrant visa. Although furnishing this information is voluntary, failure to provide this information may delay or prevent the processing of your case. ROUTINE USES: If you are issued an immigrant visa and are subsequently admitted to the United States as an immigrant, the Department of Homeland Security will use the information on this form to issue you a Permanent Resident Card, and, if you so indicate, the Social Security Administration will use the information to issue a social security number. The information provided may also be released to federal agencies for law enforcement, counterterrorism and homeland security purposes; to Congress and courts within their sphere of jurisdiction; and to other federal agencies who may need the information to administer or enforce U.S. laws.
Consular Affairs Main Page | ESC Home Page

This site is managed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.

Мы тоже сегодня получили аналогичное письмо, не скрою сразу екнуло…, стали читать и нас смутило что номер начинался с 2015 и самое главное, что также просили выслать деньги, но только уже больше чем в письме выше по $875.00 аппетиты растут. Будьте бдительны и внимательны. (Официальный Домен должен быть gov.Участие в лотерее бесплатное, консульский сбор оплачивается только в день собеседования в посольстве).

Письмо было таким:

ХХХХХХХХХ (Фамилия и имя) - KCC Application Notification (2015ХХХХХХХ)
Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) sent this message to ХХХХХХ(ХХХХХХХ@ХХХХХ.ru)
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from Kentucky Consular Center (KCC)


Thank you for being a valued U.S. Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) customer. We wish to notify you that you have been selected as one of the Diversity Visa Program person for receiving a Green Card. You can live permanently in the United States as an American resident, enter and leave the country as you wish. You can work, study, or invest. You can gain health, education, social security and other benefits. Getting a Green Card does not affect your present citizenship.

Confirmation Number: 2015ХХХХХХХХ
Marital Status: YES
Phone Number: 7

Please click the link bellow and start the integration process in the United States as soon as possible.


If your link doesn’t work, it’s possible that it was broken by your email system. If the link isn’t clickable or part of the link is cut off, please copy and paste the entire URL into your browser’s address bar and press Enter;.

This email is Sensitive but Unclassified based on the definitions provided in 12 FAM 540.

ДАЛЕЕ по ссылке:

U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs Banner


You have been selected at random from over 12.1 million qualified entries (16.5 million with derivatives) received. The diversity lottery was conducted under the terms of section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act which makes available 50,000 permanent resident visas annually to persons from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.

The annual DV program makes visas available to persons meeting simple, but strict, eligibility requirements. The Department of State implemented the electronic fees processing system beginning with DV-2005 in order to make the DV process more efficient and secure.

With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a U.S. permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.

U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling (Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job (in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through Education USA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or University so you can continue your educational study.


Is the Diversity Visa FREE ?

No. There is a big confusion. Only the participation in the Diversity Visa Lottery was free but the winners must pay the visa processing fees.

United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee US $875.00

Although the Diversity Visa participation was free, the law and regulations require to every diversity visa winner to pay a visa processing fee of US $875.00. The Diversity Visa (Green Card) is guaranteed upon receiving the payment. The per person fee for each Diversity Visa is US $875.00, payable in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency. This US $875.00 fee is the only fee a winner needs to pay throughout the entire relocation process. Accompanying family members (wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, childrens, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, childrens, cousin) must pay US $875.00. There is no discount for childrens.

Please note that you are allowed to take with you as many family members you want. If your marital status has changed (you have a domestic partner or you got married) from the time you applied for the Green Card you can apply for your new family members. However for each person you must pay an additional amount of US $875.00. For example if you decide to move in the United States with your wife and a kid the total fee is US $875.00 (your fee) + US $875.00 (your wife’s fee) + US $875.00 (your kid’s fee) = US $2,625.00.

PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the fee payment primarily to process your visa related documents and verify your identity. Also you will get plane tickets for your travel. You can use the tickets at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel.
Visa Payment processing instructions

The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer, Western Union is a leading provider of International money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety. The payment will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom. The U.S. Department of State decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country. In order to receive the payment details for paying the processing fees you need to upload your passport and the passport or National ID of your accompanying family members ( only if this is the case ). If you do not have a passport you can use your National ID or Birth Certificate.

You must email your documents at [moderated].

Please include your last name and your confirmation number.

Example (Identity ID or Passport for each member of your family)*

Formats File Acceptateble : JPG, PNG, PDF, GIF, TIFF, DOC, DOCX

Within 24 hours after you have uploaded the documents, you will receive a confirmation via email with the details that you need for paying the processing fees.

NOTE: Once you have received the winning notification, you have 7 working days for paying the processing fees. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays. Under no circumstances can diversity visas be issued or adjustments approved after this date, nor can family members obtain diversity visas to follow-to-join the principal applicant in the U.S. after this date.

Please note that the status of your application will be updated within 24 hours after you have paid the processing fees. Do not ask us why you cannot verify your application with the confirmation number, the status of your application will change only after you have paid the processing fees.

After you have paid the processing fees, within 72 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with the exact date and time of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States.

You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time. A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to your postal address upon receiving the payment fees.

HelpFor any questions please contact U.S. Department of State’s Support at [moderated]. Always include your last name and your Confirmation Number.

Marital Status: YES

эта строчка никого не смущает? ну помимо прочего.
у меня кстати такие письма идут сами в раздел СПАМ.

у меня так же происходит.

Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) sent this message to Denis Fil*** (de****@bk.ru)
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from Kentucky Consular Center (KCC)

U.S. Department of State notifies Denis Fil*** of being selected as a winner of the Diversity Visa program.

Dear Denis Fil****,

Congratulations! You are one of the50,000 winnersselected by the computer random draw from the 12.1 million entries registered in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. The Diversity Immigrant Visa program is a United States congressional-mandated lottery program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. It is also known as the Green Card Lottery. You can live permanently in the United States as an American resident, enter and leave the country as you wish. You can work, study, or invest. You can gain health, education, social security and other benefits. Getting a Green Card does not affect your present citizenship. You can be 100% sure that you have won the Permanent Resident Card because we have your personal details ( email address, last name, phone number, marital status ) that you provided when you have registered for the Green Card Lottery.

Winner Details
Case Number: 2015937L8P3C2777
Winner Name: Denis Fil***
Married: No

With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a U.S. permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling (Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job (in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through Education USA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or University so you can continue your educational study.

Is the Diversity Visa FREE ?

No. There is a big confusion. Only the participation in the Diversity Visa Lottery was free but the winners must pay the visa processing fees.

Although the Diversity Visa participation was free, the law and regulations require to every diversity visa winner to pay a visa processing fee of US $1,250.00. The Diversity Visa (Green Card) is guaranteed upon receiving the payment. The per person fee for each Diversity Visa isUS $1,250.00, payable in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency.

This US $1,250.00 fee is the only fee a winner needs to pay throughout the entire relocation process. Accompanying family members (wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, children, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, children, cousin) must payUS $1,250.00. There is no discount for children.

Please note that you are allowed to take with you as many family members you want. If your marital status has changed (you have a domestic partner or you got married) from the time you applied for the Green Card you can apply for your new family members. Also, you can transfer the green card to another member of your family. However for each person you must pay an additional amount ofUS $1,250.00.

For example if you decide to move in the United States with your wife and a kid the total fee isUS $1,250.00 (your fee) + US $1,250.00 (your wife’s fee) + US $1,250.00 (your kid’s fee) = US $3,750.00.

PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the fee payment primarily to process your visa related documents and verify your identity. Also you will get plane tickets for your travel. You can use the tickets at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel.

Follow these 4 simple steps in order to receive the Green Card:

Step 1: You need to email atsupport@kccvisa.com your passport and the passport or National ID of your accompanying family members ( only if this is the case ); if you do not have a passport you can use your National ID or Birth Certificate; please include your last name, your case number, your contact phone number and the full name of all the accompanying family members; Example: (Identity ID or Passport for each member of your family, the full name for each member of your family, your case number and your contact phone number)*; Formats File Acceptable:JPG, PNG, PDF, GIF, TIFF, DOC, DOCX.

Step 2: You need to pay the processing fees; within 48 hours after you have emailed the documents, you will receive a confirmation via email with the details that you need for paying the processing fees; the fees can be paid using bank transfer and will be processed by the U.S. Special Consular Services Unit from United Kingdom, the U.S. Special Consular Services Unit decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country; Please note that we can send you the payment instructions only after we have received and verified your documents.

Step 3: After you have paid the processing fees, within 72 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with the exact date and time of the final interview; upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States; please note that you can choose the country where the interview will take place; the processing fees are fully refundable, if you will not pass the interview we will refund you the processing fees.

Step 4: After the final interview we will provide you the travel documents within 7 working days; you can move or travel to United States at any time, Example: you can move or travel to United States after 5 days, 5 months or 5 years, the date you chose to move or travel to United States is your personal decision.

IMPORTANT:Once you have received the winning notification, you have 7 working days for paying the processing fees. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays. Under no circumstances can diversity visas be issued or adjustments approved after this date, nor can family members obtain diversity visas to follow-to-join the principal applicant in the U.S. after this date. Please note that the status of your confirmation number will be updated within 24 hours after you have paid the processing fees. You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time.

Please Note!

Do not submit your documents for processing the application if you are not able to pay the fees within 7 working days; if the processing fees are not paid in maximum 7 working days, you will be negative flagged in our database and this may cause in the future when you submit again your application; also, do not submit the documents if you don’t agree with the integration process described in this letter because we cannot change our terms.

HELP: For any questions please contact U.S. Department of State’s Support atsupport@kccvisa.com; always include your last name and your Case Number.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: AUTHORITIES: The information asked for on this form is requested pursuant to Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court.
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