У моего друга который уже год живет в США по Зеленой карте, в прошлом году выиграли родители В DV 2010 от Украины, на которых он отправил заявку … долго они не решались ехать и все таки он их убедил переехать к нему…
Возникло несколько вопросов при заполнении анкет с первого пакета… отец служил в Афганистане сержантом во время существования СССР в рядах Советской Армии про что есть запись в военном билете…не будет ли это причиной в отказе на выдачу визы…
…как быть со справкой о несудимости с ДРА…
Друзья может кто то предложить варианты…просто обсудить…ситуацию со службой в Афганистане …и заполнением форм…
полицейская справка из Афганистана не нужна, так как их не дают.
Protracted wartime conditions and the absence of an established central authority have made document availability and reliability very uncertain.Birth Certificates
Availability and veracity varies widely. Some hospitals and local authorities provide birth records.Marriage Certificates
Availability varies widely. Marriages are registered at courts and records are maintained in the form of white booklets that provide information on the bride and groom. Prior to 1966 marriages were seldom recorded.Divorce Decrees
May be available. In urban areas divorces sanctioned by courts are recorded, but the availability of records is uncertain. Court records may or may not exist.Police Records
Unavailable.Military Records
Unavailable. Military records kept by previous governments have reportedly been destroyed.Other Records
The most universal and accurate document in Afghanistan is the identity card (taskera). In addition to the name of the individual, the father and paternal grandfather’s names are provided. The year of birth (approximate for older persons) and marital status are also furnished. These have been superseded by “party cards” issued by seven different political groups inside Afghanistan.Passports - Information on Travel Documents
The Afghanistan Interim Administration (AIA) has determined that Afghan passports issued by offices under Taliban control are no longer valid. This includes passports issued from September 1996 through October 2001 inside Afghanistan, as well as those passports issued in Afghan consulates and embassies in Islamabad, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, Abu Dhabi, Jeddah, and Riyadh. U.S. visas should, therefore, not be issued in these “Taliban” passports. Bearers of “Taliban” passports with valid U.S. visas may use these visas to enter the U.S. only if they possess a subsequently issued, valid AIA passport.Passports issued by other Afghan embassies and consulates under the direction of the Northern Alliance before and during that 1996-2001 time period are considered valid.
Visas may be issued in all Afghan passports issued prior to September 1996.
Special Clearance and Issuance Procedures
A Visas Bear SAO is required for Afghan applicants seeking A or G visa issuance. These visa applications shall be refused under INA 221(g) until the Department has rendered an opinion in the case. The Department’s response is required prior to visa issuance.
A Visas Donkey SAO must be submitted for all classes of immigrant and nonimmigrant visa applicants who are nationals of Afghanistan, or who carry Afghan passports, and who post determines to be past or present members of the Taliban, except for those cases requiring a VISAS BEAR security advisory opinion. A Visas Donkey SAO must also be submitted for all Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants aged 16 and older applying under the SIV program for certain Afghan interpreters and translators working for the USG.These visa applications shall be refused under INA 221(g) until the Department has rendered an opinion in the case. The Department response is required prior to visa issuance.
Прошу прощения.
Вы точно уверены, что при собеседовании в посольстве не потребуют какой-либо док из Афганистана о несудимости в период службы там ? И будет ли препятствием для прохождения служба в Афганистане?
Может заставят обращаться в посольство Афганистана за подобной справкой? Просто легкая паника …