Иммиграционная программа Манитобы

Спасибо, что ответили.
Думаю, что зима будет снежная.
Околомедицинская специальность - Paramedic Training (нашел все-таки название: Paramedic, Care Paramedic). Я не прошу кого-то за меня что-то решать. Я просил названия этих профессий и спросил, пользуются они спросом. Согласитесь, людям живущим ТАМ намного проще об этом судить.

PS. Извините, что мой наитупейший вопрос вызвал столь бурную реакцию.

Уважаемая Cherrycanada,
Скажите пожалуйста, на Ваш чисто субъективный взгляд, пользуется ли спросом профессия учителя английского языка как иностранного в Манитобе?

Я живу не в Манитобе.
Учитель - это лицензированная профессия на всей территории Канады.
Даже и не надейтесь на получение этой работы прямо с трапа самолёта.
Канадцы “держат” такие профессии для своих и иммигрантов там не встретишь.

Foreign Skilled Worker Backlog Reduction Initiative
Under this strategic initiative, people who have applied to Canada’s Federal Skilled Worker Program may receive expedited processing of their immigration request under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP).

To be eligible for the FSW Backlog Reduction Initiative you must have received a letter of invitation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

The MPNP will begin processing applications under this strategic initiative July 1. Only complete applications (which include all documents specified in your letter of invitation) will be accepted.

The MPNP has launched this strategic initiative in partnership with CIC as a means to alleviate the backlog of applicants under the CIC Federal Skilled Worker Program.


Теперь сотни тысяч заявителей по Federal Skilled Worker, ожидающих рассмотрения свои дел по несколько лет, кинутся в Манитобу.
После этого - Манитоба перестанет нуждаться в exploratory visits и recruitment missions.
То есть, эти лёгкие пути в Канаду закроются.
Кто не успел - тот опоздал.

Печально то как…

Не думаю что Манитоба с населением 1 235 412 чел. при её территории так быстро закроет exploratory visits и recruitment missions. Им нужен толковый народ. Хотя что мы знаем, только гадаем. Надеюсь что не закроют, чтоб у хороших людей с профессиями не в списке был шанс! :wink:

Интересно, кто-нибудь ещё посылал письма офицерам на рассмотрение?

На форумах много людей отписалось о получении такого ответа от манитобского имм. офицера:
Thank you for your interest in Manitoba and your request to complete an exploratory visit. The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) receives many requests for exploratory visits. As stated on our website at http://www2.immigratemanitoba.com/brows … visit.html , Permission to undertake an exploratory visit that includes an interview with the MPNP is provided at the sole discretion of the MPNP subject to our evaluation of the applicant’s ability to meet the criteria above and available staff resources.
Please be advised that resources are not available to entertain your request at this time. We encourage you to continue monitoring our website for future international recruitment missions in your region. Please carefully review the eligibility criteria to see how you may be able to participate.
Thank you for your interest in immigrating to Manitoba through this initiative. At this time, we also encourage you to review the Citizenship and Immigration website for other immigration programs. such as the Federal Skilled Worker Program, located at http://www.cic.gc.ca as you strive towards your goal of immigrating to Manitoba, Canada.

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ясненько, спасибо. будем ждать и надеяться:strong:

Starting July 1, 2012, most Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) applicants for semi- and low-skilled occupations that fall under National Occupational Classification (NOC) Skill Levels C and D will have to undergo mandatory language testing and achieve a minimum standard of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4 in English across all four categories: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

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что то я не понял какой средний бал должен быть по айлтс

a minimum standard of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4 in English

вот тут можно посмотреть требования http://www.language.ca/display_page.asp?page_id=372

IELTS and CELPIP Equivalency ChartsOnce you have taken a language test from an approved organization, you can see how many points you will earn:

[li]If you took an International English Language Testing System ( IELTS ) test;[/li][li]If you took the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program ( CELPIP ); or[/li][/ol]
International English Language
Testing System ( IELTS ):
Test Score Equivalency Chart
(per ability)
|Test Results for each Ability|
(General Training)|Writing
(General Training)|
( CLB/SLC 8-12 )|First Official Language: 4|7.0 - 9.0|7.0 - 9.0|7.0 - 9.0|7.0 - 9.0|
|Second Official Language: 2|
( CLB/SLC 6-7 )|2|5.0 - 6.9|5.0 - 6.9|5.0 - 6.9|5.0 - 6.9|
(CLB/SLC 4-5)|1
(to a maximum of 2)|4.0 - 4.9|4.0 - 4.9|4.0 - 4.9|4.0 - 4.9|
(CLB/SLC 0-3)|0|Less than 4.0|Less than 4.0|Less than 4.0|Less than 4.0|


Добрый день!Пришло мне вот такое письмо с таким содержанием от Jewish federation of Manitoba.История такая,написал запрос на имейл о письме поддержке и получил вот это,может кто сталкивался?:
Dear Friends,

Thank you for your interest in our Community and City!

Our community has supported applications to immigrate to Winnipeg for several years. These new immigrants to our growing Jewish community have been valuable additions to an active, diverse community. We continue to support applications for those who are interested in joining us.

We assist immigrants during their immigration process. Many families have settled here well and have integrated successfully into our community.

The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg works closely with the government of Manitoba. We offer advice about immigration process, resettlement services and employment networking when new arrivals are ready to work in English.

Please check:


We do not arrange guaranteed employment offers. We do not offer any financial assistance and we do not process any immigration documents.

The application for the Manitoba Nominee Program (MPNP) is available on line. You will note that there are different priority *******.

Please check The MPNP website


The first thing is for you determine if you have a chance to qualify for a permanent resident visa under any of the ******* of the Manitoba Nominee Program.

The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg has been designated as an organization that is able to provide applicants with a Letter of Support, thus enabling them to apply under the Strategic Recruitment Initiatives.

In order to qualify for this stream, the main applicant must meet the following:

            Age: You are between the ages of 21 and 49.

                   Education: You have completed post-secondary education (after graduating from High school) or at least one academic year and received a diploma or certificate.

                   Work experience: You have at least two years of full-time work experience within the past five years.

                   Language: You have enough English or French to get a job in Manitoba in your intended occupation soon after you arrive

                   Adaptability: You can demonstrate your intention and ability to establish successfully in Manitoba


             Employability, based on your training and work experience related to your intended occupation, including any license or certification required in your country of residence


               Settlement funds: As a general requirement applicants should have at least C$ 10.000 per the main applicant plus C$ 2.000 per each dependant.

Once you believe that you meet the criteria for immigration, please send us a resume for each adult in the family.

If you qualify and you decide to proceed with your plan to immigrate to Manitoba, we will invite you to come on an exploratory visit. We recommend a stay of 7- 10 days so that you can investigate housing, schools, employment opportunities and life in Winnipeg. We will suggest some tentative dates for your visit.

You must be invited by the Federation to come (at a mutually agreed upon time). The invitation to visit is offered to potential immigrants at the sole discretion of the Federation’s Immigration Office.

Applicants in priority ******* receive expedited processing by applying online. You can find online tool guides you through the steps to submit electronically all information and documents required. You can start the process before coming on a visit and finish it after receiving our letter of support.


You may also visit the Federal immigration site to see if you would qualify under that program. The Jewish community will assist you in resettlement if you decide to come here to live once you have your permanent resident status.

Federal program for skilled independents: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp

Our community and all of its organizations are willing to welcome you and your family.

You are embarking on an exciting journey…our community is here to help you and encourage you along the way. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Dalia Szpiro

Community Immigration Officer

На что можно расчитывать?Или предлагается пройти обычный процесс иммиграции?

Federal change requires lower skilled provicial nominee applicants to demonstrate minimum language standards.

Effective immediately, lower skilled workers must include in their provincial nominee application test results demonstrating proficiency in English or French.

Does this change affect you?
The minimum language requirement for lower skilled workers affects Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program applicants whose assessed occupation is in Canada National Occupation Classification (NOC) skill level C or D. (Assessed occupation is the job commensurate with your education and experience that the MPNP considers when assessing your application.)

  • NOC C and D occupations include semi-skilled and low-skilled workers in the trades, primary and manufacturing industries, sales and services, as well as certain clerical and assistant categories.
  • Level C jobs usually require only secondary school and/or occupation-specific training.
  • Level D jobs usually require only on-the-job training.

It is recommended that all MPNP applicants submit test results demonstrating their language proficiency. But for lower skilled applicants, as defined above, the submission of language test results is mandatory, effective immediately, in order to comply with changes made by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

Which language tests are accepted?
In accordance with CIC policy, the MPNP will accept only valid, documented results only from the following tests.

You must score at least the numerical value listed for each category (listening, speaking, reading, writing). No other evidence of language proficiency will be accepted.

  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training
    Listening: 4.5 | Reading: 3.5 | Writing: 4 | Speaking: 4

  • Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP-General)
    Listening: 2H | Reading: 2H | Writing : 2H | Speaking : 2H

CIC’s imposition of minimum language standards for low and semi-skilled PNP applicants apply to all Canadian provinces.


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Появилась информация о Recruitment Mission, которую будут проводить власти Манитобы в Киеве в первой половине июня этого года.

Это отличный (дешёвый и быстрый) способ иммигрировать в Канаду!

Желающие - срочно пишите на mpnpexploratoryvisit@gov.mb.ca
Количество мест ограничено!

А что писать там? Свои специальности?

Generally, to be selected for a personal interview at a recruitment mission you must:

  • be age 21 to 49
  • have completed at least a one-year, post-secondary educational or training program for which you received a diploma, certificate or degree
  • have at least two years of full-time work experience in the past five years
  • have job-ready English language proficiency

You should include a detailed resume listing your education, training and work history as well as electronic copies of any additional documentation that could support your request. An IELTS result of 5.0 or greater will confirm your language abilities.

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