Пожалуста скажите кто назначает дату собеседования мед центр или KCC? и каким образом
собеседование ГДЕ?
каким образом, к примеру, мед центр может назначить вам дату собеседования в консульстве?
Я получил второй пакет документов лотереи Green Card из KCC 15 января 2010 года. В этом пакете документов прилагалось инструкция по мед обследованию и 3 листа оффициального уведомления! Но я не понимаю сроку (An appointment has been scheduled for the applicant at the located below on January 21, 2010 at 08:00 AM.) что в периблезительном переводе означает (Назначение было намечено для претендента в расположенном ниже 21 января 2010 в 8:00.) Скажите пожалуста это дата собеседования в посольстве США? Если это так то когда я успею пройти мед коммисию если она длится 3 недели чтобы принести запечатаный пакет по мед обследованию. Так как я получил второй пакет документов 15 января 2010 года а собеседование назначено в пакете документов 21 января 2010 года ИЛИ это не дата собеседования в посольство? Пожалуста разясните подробно! Заранее спасибо.
Вот пример трех листов официального уведомления за исключением инструкций каторые прилагались во втором пакете:
This is official notice that it is now possible for you to pursue your application for a DV-2010 year. If you fail to obtain a DV-2010 by September 30, 2010, your registracion will expire. DV-2010 visas cannot, by law, be issued after September 30, 2010, Your spouse and unmarried children under 21 year of age who are eligible for diversity visas must also be issued their visas by September 30, 2010. After that date, family members cannot be issued diversity visas to accompany you or join you in the United States under the DV-2010 program.
The enclosed information pertains to ***** ****** ****** interest in immigrating to the United States of America. The applicant’s case, including the cases of eligible family members, has been aent to the Visa Processing Post in Tashkent for further immigrant processing. the adress of that office is given below.
An appointment has been scheduled for the applicant at the located below on January 21, 2010 at 08:00 AM. The applicant and all members of the applicant’s family listed on the attached page must appear at the appointment on the above appointment date. Please notify the office listed below if the applicant cannot keep the appointment. The applicant and any eligible family members will be required to submit sufficient proof of identity upon arrival.
Please read carefully follow the enclosed instructions:
The total fee for a Diversity Immigrant Visa as of November 19, 2007 is 775$ (per person) in US Dollars. This total includes the applicant fee (per persone) of 355$, the security surcharge (per persone) of 45$, and the Diversity Visa Lottery surcharge (per person) of 375$. All fees must be paid before the visa interview and are non-refundable if the visa is refused.
The attached sheets entitled " NOTICE TO VISA APPLICANT " provides a list of the names and document status for the Principal Applicant and all family members listed for this case. Please be advised that one or more of the applicants on this case may not have submitted the requested documents or have submitted incoplete documents, so check the list carefully. Original or certified copies of all required documents must be submitted at the time of the interview.
Original or certified copies of all documents must be brought to the visa interview.
Medical examinations must be completed before the interview.
The correct size and number of photographs for all applicants must be brought to the visa interview.
Failure to present all of the necessary documents could result in denial of the visa.
The Kentucky Consular Center has complited the processing of your case and any further inquiries should be addressed to the Visa Processing Post below, where your appointment has been scheduled.
When communicating with the Embassy / Consulate either by telephone or letter, always refer to the applicant’s name and case number exactly as they appear below:
Case number: 2010EU********
Principal Applicant Name: ****** ****** *******
Preference Category: DV Diversity
Foreign State Chargeability: UZB
DjMelis, я написал вам в личку.
Спасибо Crank!!!