можно ли записывать телефонные разговоры?

Я слышал что записывать тел-ые разговоры нельзя - за это могут привлечь к ответственности, кто может рассказать об этом точнее?


Is it legal to tape record telephone calls?

The state and federal laws mentioned above deal primarily with wiretapping and eavesdropping by law enforcement officials. In addition to these laws, both the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) have acknowledged the importance of privacy in telephone conversations by placing additional restrictions on tape recording such conversations.

California law does not allow tape recording of telephone calls unless all parties to the conversation consent (California Penal Code 632), or they are notified of the recording by a distinct “beep tone” warning (CPUC General Order 107-B(II)(A)(5)). However, tape recordings can legally be made if an individual or members of one’s family are threatened with kidnapping, extortion, bribery or another felony involving violence. The person receiving the threats can make a tape recording without informing the other party. (California Penal Code 633.5)

Federal law allows recording of phone calls and other electronic communications with the consent of at least one party to the call. A majority of the states and territories have adopted laws based on the federal standard. But 12 states, including California, require the consent of all parties to the call. These are are California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington. For a state-by-state guide to taping laws, including a discussion of federal law and references to caselaw, see the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press guide, www.rcfp.org/taping/ .

These laws and regulations generally do not apply to law enforcement investigations, emergency situations or patently unlawful conversations. The FCC has acknowledged that these regulations are difficult to enforce, and violations are virtually impossible to detect. Consumers should not be lulled into a false sense of security that their call is private simply because there is no notice of recording.

Furthermore, it is not always clear which law, state or federal, applies to specific situations. This depends on where the call originates, why the recording is being made and who places the call. To stay within the law, you may wish to refrain from taping calls you make, but be aware that in certain situations others may be recording your conversations with them.

The California Supreme Court held in Kearney v. Salomon Smith Barney, Inc. , ___ Cal.4th ___ (July 13, 2006) that out-of-state businesses are prohibited from monitoring or recording their telephone calls with California residents, even if that conduct takes place in any of the states where only one party’s consent is required to lawfully monitor or record a telephone call. Thus, California 's two-party consent law governs any calls between a company’s location in a one-party consent state and customers located in California .

1 лайк

Спасибо Юлик:flo:, интересная информация.
Но, я так и не понял, если я запишу разговор со своим другом, что мне за это будет?

Записывайте себе на здоровье, и ничего не будет до тех пор, пока вы не решите каким-либо образом эти записи использовать. А результат будет напрямую зависеть от того КАК вы их используете.

Может подскажете модель телефона который может записывать разговор, час-два? Буду вам благодарен:flo: В моем окружении к сожалению никто не знает о таком?

у меня на мобильном (смартфон) стоит такая програмка. Полезная вещица. Вот выложу если кого заинтересует. :slight_smile:

1 лайк

И ещё, Вы должны поставить собеседника в известность, о том, что разговор записывается.

Это зависит от штата, в ко тором вы живете. Есть тн [“one-party consent” statutes], и если вы участник разговора - записывать можно без предупреждения.