Обзoр первого раунда здесь: SkillSelect Invitations to apply to migrate - Round 1 Aug

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Обзoр первого раунда здесь: SkillSelect Invitations to apply to migrate - Round 1 August 2012 Results

А вот еще дополнительная инфа по профессиям, вошедшим в пробную выборку и приглашениям на основании спонсорства штатов:

According to a Department of Immigration and Citizenship spokesperson, the first-round invitations are largely dominated by healthcare professionals - with doctors, dentists and nurses leading the way.
The DIAC also reveals that other key jobs targeted in the first round of SkillSelect invitations included ICT analysts, programmers and accountants, with the spokesperson calling the initial data “an excellent result for the economy, employers, and ultimately for Australia”.
In addition to the 100 invitations issued by the federal government, nearly 400 skilled workers have been invited to make an application based on their nomination from state and territory governments since July 1. The spokesman for the DIAC revealed that of these individuals, 160 have already made a visa application, while the remainder have 60 days to submit their details to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.