Оплата труда гастролеров

Возник вопрос.
Не для себя, а просто из любопытства.

Как приезжают в Штаты разного рода творческие коллективы на гастроли? Они же за гастроли от организаторов гастролей деньги получают. Как с налогами? Как с правом на работу = они ведь фактически работают.

Неужели им оформляют рабочие визы? :slight_smile:


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вроде P visa.

The P-1 visa classification provides for admission into the United States of certain athletes, entertainers and artists, and essential support personnel. Individual members of the entertainment industry are not eligible for the P-1 visa classification, but individual athletes are. For members of the entertainment industry, the visa will be issued for a specific event only. However, individual athletes may be admitted for five years and a team for a period of six months.

The P-2 visa classification provides for the admission into the United States of an artist or entertainer, either an individual or group, involved in a reciprocal exchange program between an organization or organizations in the United States and one or more foreign countries which provides for the temporary exchange of artists and entertainers.

The P-3 visa classification provides for the admission into the United States of an artist or entertainer, either an individual or group, to perform, teach, or coach under a program that is culturally unique.

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