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ABASHED Embarrassment, ill at ease, disconnected
ABYSS A deep fissure in the earth; bottomless gulf; chasm
ADVISABLE Worthy of being recommended
AFFLUENT Wealthy, upscale
AFFRONT An insult, offense
ALCOVE A recess or small room adjacent to or opening out of a larger room
ALLEGED Asserted, often doubtful, suspect, supposed
ALLOCATE Set apart for a specific purpose; mete; dispense; allot
ALLURE Entice, charisma, temptation
AMPLIFY To make larger or stronger; increase
ANTIPATHY Strong dislike, disgust loathing, hostility
ANTIQUITY Old object, ruin, relic
APPLICABLE Appropriate, pertinent, useful
ARROGANT Having exaggerated self-opinion, egotistic, bossy
ASSERTIVE Positive or confident in a persistent way; declare; affirm; aggressive
ASSESS To set an estimated value on; to set the amount of
ASSUAGE Soothe, relieve, pacify, calm, ease
ATOLL Coral island, isle, reef
ATTENTIVE Concentrating considerate, interested
AUTHENTIC Implies reliability and trustworthiness; genuine; reliable
BELLIGERENT Argumentative, hostile, warlike
BENEFACTOR Donor, sponsor, contributed
BETROTHED The intend engaged, committed
BRAZEN Showing no shame; bold; impudent; act out in a bold way, insolent bold,
CACOPHONY Dissonance, harshness
CANVASS To poll, examine, scrutinize
CHARGE Supervisory responsibility, custody, management, oversight
CHIVALRY Valor, courage, courtesy
CLERICAL Member of the clergy, priestly, sacred
COMPARISON Contrasting, analogy, correlation, connection
COMPEL To force or constrain, as to do something; to get or bring about by force
CONCEDE To admit as true or valid; acknowledge; comprise; grant
CONJURE Call to a place, gather, create out of thin air
CONTEXT Circumstances, framework, conditions, substance
CONTRIVE Invent, design, construct, develop
DEFERRED To be put off until a later time; postpone; procrastinate
DEMURE Decorous; modest; reserved; shy; coy
DETEST To dislike intensely; hate abhor
DILEMMA An argument necessitating a choice between equally favorable alternatives
DISCORD Noise, clamor, harshness, unrest
DISCRETION Caution, care, prudence, thoughtfulness
DISLODGE Knock loose, disturb, extricate
DIVERSE Different; dissimilar; varied; diversified; different
DOMINEERING Oppress, dominate, threaten, assume authority
DREGS Sediment, deposits, residue, waste
DRONE A male bee or ant; unmanned aerial vehicle
DUPLICATION Copy, reproduction, match, parallel, reciprocal
ECCENTRICITY Strange, oddity, weirdness
ECSTASY A state of being overpowered by emotion esp. joy; great enjoyment
EDDY A current moving against the main current and with circular motion, whirlpool
ENGENDER Cause to happen, create, develop generate, instigate
ENIGMA Mystery, inexplicable, perplexity,
ENLIGHTEN Explain thoroughly, reveal
EVENTUAL Future, final, possible, succeeding
EXHORT Urge, warn, counsel, persuade
EXTOL Sing the praises of, acclaim, glorify, brag about
FALLACY Illusion, misconception, mistake
FATIGUE Tiredness, burnout, weakness
FIASCO A complete failure; a debacle
FOMENT Instigate, provoke, promote, stimulate
FORGE Construct, form or make, compose, produce
FRAUGHT Full of, attended, filled, replete, stuffed
GIRTH Measurement around waist, circumference, distance around
GUILE Slyness, cleverness, craftiness, treachery
HAMMOCK Harbor, bunk
HAPLESS Unfortunate, cursed, miserable, unhappy, woeful
HARBOR Hide, protect conceal
HERESY Unorthodox, opinion, disbelief
ILLEGIBLE Unreadable, hard to make out
ILLUSTRATIVE Explanatory, clarifying
IMPARTIAL Favoring no one side; undecided
IMPEDE To bar to hinder the progress of; obstruct or delay; hinder
IMPERIAL Regal, official, majestic
IMPERIL Endanger, risk, menace
IMPERTINENT Bold or impudent in speech or behavior; saucy
IMPROBABLE Not likely to happen or to true; unlikely; doubtful; implausible
IMPUGN Criticize, challenge, contradict
INCENDIARY Causing trouble or damage, inflammatory
INCITE Encourage, provoke, prompt
INCUBATE Hatch, nurture, produce
INDIGNANT Feeling or expressing anger or scorn
INFLEXIBLE That can’t bend or curved; stiff; rigid; firm in mind, stubborn; unyielding
INGRATIATE Get on a good side of someone, attract, captivate
INQUISITIVE Curious, desiring knowledge or understanding
INTRANSIGENT Uncompromising, inflexible, obstinate
INVARIABLE Not changing , fixed
IOTA Small bit, scrap, trace
LACKADAISICAL Careless, indifferent
LEERY Suspicious, cautious
LUNGE Pounce, charge, jump, pass
MALICIOUS Spiteful; intentionally harmful
MEAGER Thin; lean; emaciated; poor quality or small amount; not full or rich; sparse, weak
MELANCHOLY Depressed, sad, gloomy
MINIMUM Least, lowest amount
MINION Servile, dependent or underling
MISCREANT Person responsible for wrongdoing, convict, criminal, offender, diligent, evildoer
MYRIAD An indefinitely large number of things or person; innumerable; countless
NEGLIGIBLE Of no significance, petty, scanty
NEMESIS Bane, curse, opponent
NOCTURNAL Of, done, or happening in the night; active during the night
NUANCE Slight difference, distinction, suspicion
OBLIVIOUS Unaware, ignorant, blundering
ONEROUS Difficult, requiring hard labor, demanding
OPPOSE Fight, obstruct
OSTRACIZE Exile, banish, avoid, shun
PALATABLE Delicious, agreeable, savory
PARAPHRASE Interpret, translate, restate, summarize
PARRY Ward off, circumvent, repel
PATRONIZE Condescend, look down on, snub
PHILANTHROPIST Someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being
POLL Voting, number, count
POROUS Full of pores or holes; filter; absorbent, having holes, sponge like
PORTLY Bulky, fat, hefty
PREDESTINED Predetermined, inevitable
PREFACE Introduction, preliminary, beginning
PRIMARY First in time or order of development; elemental; basic
PRINCIPLED Ethical, decent, fair
PROMULGATE Make known, disseminate, notify
PRONOUNCEMENT Declaration, articulation, report
PURSUE Chase, follow, harass, persist, track
PURVIEW Range of interest, domain, parameter
PUTTER To busy or occupy oneself in a leisurely, casual dawdle
QUIRK An abrupt twice or curve, an accident of fate, oddity
RAPTURE Extreme happiness and delight in something, exhilaration, passion
REPRIVE Relief of blame, pardon
REPUGNANT Bad, obnoxious, loathsome
RESIDE To dwell in a long time; live in one’s house
REVIVE Start again, awaken, recover, restore
SAGA Story, often long, epic, legend
SCRUTNIZE To look at very carefully; examine closely; inspect; examine
SEDENTARY Motionless. lazy, sluggish
SEMINARY A theological school for training, institute, society
SEQUEL Something that follows something, follow-up, sequel
SOLACE Is a form of comfort given to one who is in sorrow or distress, pity, relief
SOURCE Beginning, point of supply, antecedent, birthplace, cause, commencement, root origin
SPRAWLED Sit or lie spread out, recline stretch
SPRY Moving quickly and lightly, active prompt spirited, vigorous
SQUANDER Use up, go through, waste
SQUEAMISH Having a digestive system that is easily upset; queasy; dainty
STINT Period of responsibility, participation, term, consignment
SUBMERGE Dunk in liquid, inundate, sink
SUCCOR Assistance, help, support
SUPPLE Bendable, flexible, springy stretchy
TABLOID Regular, continuous publication, periodical, press weekly paper
TENACIOUS Strong, unyielding, persistent, stubborn
TENET Belief, principle, teaching, thesis
THEORETICAL Hypothetical, ideal, philosophical
THORNY Complicated, involved, problematical
TINCTURE Coloring, shade, dye
TROUNCE Defeat overwhelmingly, conquer wallop
TYRANT Person who dictates, absolute ruler
VACCUUM Emptiness, void, gap
VALUES Principles, ideals, beliefs, conduct
VIGIL A purposeful or watchful staying awake; watchful
WAGER Money or something gambled, bet, challenge, stake
WAN Faint or weak in a way suggestive of sickness or great weariness; pale
YARN A tale or story especially that seems exaggerated or hard to believe
ZEALOT A fanatical partisan, crusader, ideologue