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Tell me more :help: please

and for me :blush:

people tell me how to learn English more quickly. my English is bad, and I don’t have teacher, unfortunately I living in the village…please:russian::letmein:

Did you find anything wrong with this topic?

I just asked :beee:

Уважаемые форумчане, по правилам форума язык общения на нем русский, но если соберется группа, мы можем создать свою группу желающих практиковать письменную переписку здесь на английском языке на любые обсуждаемые здесь темы или просить администрацию форума, разрешить в этой теме общаться на английском, набираясь опыта общения в нем.
Предлагаю обсудить этот вопрос, по активность желающих в этой теме, мы можем просить администрацию помочь нам в этом полезном деле.

Do you agree with me? Do you know I’m right?

хорошая идея

а главное - свежая…:letmein:


Dear ProstoMaria, thanks for your message, you may delete this theme and we’ll go to active previous thread

Oh, my God, No one has been here for a long time. Let’s make this thread active again. Who may say something interesting to us?
If I don’t mistake English people like speak about the weather. If Americans like the same too? What’s the weather like today in your states?

kserv, you’ve made this thread live again, which is veeeery nice :). Thanks a lot for that. I’m new to this forum despite reading it a lot. The last theme I realy love to read is " Что мне нрfвится в Америке…". I find it either interesting and useful. More than that I guess an author is very talented writer.
I have to admit - this forum is the most interesting and friendly among all US-Russian ones I’ve ever known.
So, I’m happy to join this source of all kind of knowledges regarding russian-american cultural, historical, political and emigration/immigration experience. :slight_smile:

As I noticed you’re here during one day, and you can read a lot and make your own opinions abot people, authors and evens in this forum. Are you tired after such hard work. As for me I’m very tired after hard working day, so I need to have a rest. Hope to hear you later.

I meant you have read a lot and have made your own opinions…


I would like to know what’s your occupation and interests, hobbies?

krserv, Yes, I have been loged in in the morning and I could read all the topics I like as a registered member… However, as I have mentioned before - I have read various threads for a month or so… Certainly, I’ve made my opinions and I’ve got some thoughts to share with all of you, but I guess it would be better to do step by step. :slight_smile:
Well - just a few words about myself - I’m a cosmetic chemist ( this is my second occupation, as I’m a phisycian by my initial education), I’m also a writer and an author of the articles in professional cosmetic/dermatologic media, educator. My hobby is my present work - I just love to create cosmetic formulation. Nevertheless, please, don’t think I’m a laboratory rat :):):slight_smile: - I love to read a lot and like to travel. Love to stay home spending my time on cooking for myself and for my friends ( Cosmetic chemists are usualy very nice cooks, since the formulating is very simmilar to the cooking work) And I also love to make friends and I always appreciate nice talkings with nice people. :slight_smile:
What about you, krserv? :slight_smile:

I’m an IT engineer, and at this moment I’m translating the manual of keepass program that allow secure save our logins and passwords using in Internet resources. You maybe know malware programs which is called keyloggers or clipboard spiers. I’m learning technical overview how I can use extra options - Two-Channel Auto-type Obfuscation. But as they say: Anyway, it’s not perfectly secure (and unfortunately cannot be made by theory) None of the currently available keyloggers or clipboard spies can eavesdrop an obfuscated auto-type process, but it is theoretically possible to write a dedicated spy application that specializes on logging obfuscated auto-type.
Well, it’s already very late. It’s time to go to bed. Hope to hear you soon.

krserv, не надо пропускать язык через промежуточный перевод на русский, потому что на выходе получается речь маньяка или тарзана.
я понимаю, что это непросто, но тем не менее. надо делать то, что называют “мыслить на английском”. ну или стремиться к этому.

Ах, как все просто оказывается…:whats_up: всего-то надо мыслить на английском, ерунда какая…:lol:

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