cancel I-130

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Я [permanent resident] оформил [I-130], в данный момент [case status is pending]. Как я могу сделать [cancel] на данном этапе?

Спасибо за ответы

туда, где пендится [I-130], послать письмо о том, что вы хотите [revoke your petition].

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How do I withdraw the I-130 Petition?

The petitioner of the I-130 Petition for Alien Relative may withdraw the I-130 by notifying the USCIS. One should send a letter to the USCIS notifying them of one’s desire to withdraw the I-130 Petiition. Include a copy of the I-130 receipt notice and also a copy of a document indicating one’s status (either Permanent Resident Card or proof of US citizenship). The letter and supporting documents should be sent to the USCIS service center address indicated on the I-130 Receipt notice.

The I-130 Petition can be withdrawn if it is still pending. If the I-130 Petition has been approved, then a one should send a letter requesting USCIS to revoke the approved petition.

If the I-130 has already been approved and the case has been sent to the US consulate abroad, then the petitioner needs to notify the Immigrant Visa Section of the consulate directly.

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