Иммиграционная программа Манитобы

ссылка конечно не плохая и почитать нужно. Но и так понятно, что звезд с небес не стоит хватать при любой иммиграции.

Каким “этим”? Вы дали ссылку на страницу с 10 сообщениями.
Если вы имели в виду эту программу: http://www2.immigratemanitoba.com/browse/howtoimmigrate/strategic/pnp-international-students.html#2
то там места ограничены:

И подать заявление - не значит получить PR. Пройдёт как минимум полтора года с подачи документов до получения PR. Всё это время (и 2 года учёбы и 1,5 года ожидания) нужно жить в Манитобе.

в ваш дом напросились гости и, прийдя, стали критиковать ваш стиль жизни, переставлять мебель так, как им нравится, и требовать подарки.
Как вы отнесётесь к таким гостям?

Канада никого не держит. Не нравится в Канаде - уезжай домой!

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ну да, про эту, там ведь один пост только изменениям и посвящен
я понимаю, что не все так идеально и просто, но это не такая уж и проблема, главное пока что - чтобы визу дали.
вы так и не ответили, куда можно устроиться после окончания той специальности при отсутствии пр?

Я уже ответила, что в таких местах могут работать только граждане Канады и PR.
Emergency management в каждой стране - полиция, пожарники, предупреждение и ликвидация чрезвычайных ситуаций.
Туда не берут иностранцев.

Cherrycanada, но право на работу все равно будет за это время? я имею ввиду те 1.5 года пока ждешь решения.

и можно ли выезжать на родину хоть на пару недель пока ожидаешь решение о получении PR?

а ещё когда в процессе ожидания PR, можно ли приглашать родителей? или очень проблематично им гостевую открыть будет на данном этапе?

Work Permit дают тем студентам, кто выполнил все условия (а не всем подряд):

Обычно после получения PR application имм. офицеры проводят проверки, вызыват на интервью и направляют на медкомиссию. Для всего этого заявитель должен оставаться в Канаде.
И Work Permit не даёт права пересечения границы. Нужна действующая виза.

То же и по приглашению родителей: некоторым дают гостевые визы, некоторым - нет.

Did you mean *get outta here * ?
Leaving Canada

Turning your back does not fix anything. Losing your money, your job, your hopes and dreams as a result of being deliberately misled is not right.

You have invested years of your life to make the move and make it work. You have spent all of your savings along the way. You have wasted another year, two, five or even ten in attempts to “learn the culture” and “fit in”.

Where do you go now? What do you go back to?

Shouldn’t someone be responsible for what happened to you and thousands of others who keep on coming?

Do we not know the reason for this ludicrous immigration policy?

Of course we do!

We kinda stuck here . I would recommend New Zealand or Australia here is why …
Below is a list of items to consider before immigrating to Canada

  1. They do not need your professional skills; just your muscle and tax paying abilities. Generally there are enough qualified Canadians for just about any profession. There are also jobs nobody wants to do. By bringing 300,000 people a year from overseas, the governmnet makes sure that even the most unappealing job is covered and there is more than 1 person willing to do it. This also helps tremendously in keeping wages low even when inflation rates are high. The department of CIC does not care if they will have to bring 300,000 or 800,000 people a year to please the industry; they do not care how long these people stay in Canada. The important thing is to get the job done today, and then change the “whores in the brothel” tomorrow. The occupation factor is nothing more than a tool CIC came up with in an attempt to deceive potential immigrants.

  2. Inadequate accommodation – Real estate prices reflect one of the greatest scams in Canada. Some of the oldest and most dilapidated houses cost over $150,000 here. The “houses” are in fact “sheds” by European standards as they are made exclusively out of wood and cannot be considered lasting establishments. By the time a 40 year mortgage is paid off, the real value of a house will be equal that of the land it is built on, less the cost to clean the place. With the small survival jobs left on the market, even the small shed is unaffordable… All your hard earned money will be spent on rent and food.

  3. High cost of living; Expect annual rent increases even in years of deflation; Car insurance premiums are a rip off (a driver with no Canadian driving experience may expect to pay over $250/month). Food prices are soaring and quality of much of the food is low. Medical and dental costs are impossible even if you are insured and have extended health coverage (more on this under medical). Child care costs are a killer - with two kids, one of the incomes in the family is wiped out completely. Car maintenance costs are astronomical and auto parts generally cost 3-5 times more than in the US even when the Canadian dollar is stronger than the US dollar.

  4. High taxes; even if you are in a low income tax bracket and collect all your income taxes back, you are still paying GST/PST and prices inflated by monopolistic organizations.

You may be eligible for GST credits from the governmnet but this will still not offset the whole amount of GST tax paid during the year.

  1. Inadequate health care. Not enough doctors, long wait times, overpriced medication – one out of 5 Canadians does not have a family doctor. Prescription drugs, doctor visits and dental services are so costly that without any extended health coverage you will be asked for thousands of dollars – money you are not likely to have. Recently extended health coverage premiums have also been on the rise and the list of eligible prescription drugs does not cover many regularly prescribed items. Go figure! For anything which is considered non-life threatening, you can expect to wait for ages to get to see a specialist. Often specialists do not help.

  2. Culture. Since it is a capitalist system where the only incentive for any action is money; culture in North America suffers a lot as a result. The situation is further agravated by the devaluation of labor (too many people, too few jobs). Mr Harper recently cut off funding for arts saying that “the average Canadian does not care about art.” He is, in fact right. The average Canadian is now only concerned with payments for food, gas and bills while desperately clinging to his/her job. Human ethics are also quite different; interpersonal relations have more or less all become business relations.

  3. Weather. Long winters, strong winds, humidity in some provinces, heat and drought in the short summer. There are hardly any really good days but there is one good thing. In the stress the immigrants are in, they rarely notice what the weather is.

  4. Environment. The Canadian politicians, managed like puppets by the big business, do not care about the environment and the sources of polution. Although there are regulating authorities, they have no say when the big decisions are made. For example the Ministry of Environment may be enforcing the fishing regulations on a particular lake, but they do not do anything when the next mining project wipes out this same lake from the map.

Generally the media prefers not to cover environmental problems, not to upset the general public. When they do write about a particular problem still nothing is being done.

Меня смущает вот это
Each participating institution will define satisfactory academic standing for its institution. Satisfactory academic standing means achieving a satisfactory mark or grade point average for a particular program of study, or the completion of certain program requirements as specified by the program of study.

и вот что ранее нашла: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/institutions/participants.asp#saskatchewan
то есть получается, что сертификаты только перечисленных колледжей и университетов принимаются к рассмотрению на post study work permit??

Нет, не правильно.
Work Permit’ы для студентов бывают разные:
Working off campus;
Co-op and internship programs;
Post-Graduation Work Permit.

Тут: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/institutions/participants.asp
перечислены ВУЗы, студенты которых могут просить off campus Work Permit для работы во время учёбы (up to 20 hours per week during regular academic sessions, and full time during scheduled breaks).
Post-Graduation Work Permit даёт право работать выпускнику ВУЗа.

ах, поняла спасибо Вам большое, что находите время и желание разъяснять!:flo::give_rose:

  1. Discriminatory and Dishonest Immigration System.

Immigration to Canada is based on a point system, which considers the applicant’s education, qualifications and job experience. Scoring high points supposedly means it would be fairly easy for the applicant to adapt to the new culture and find a job in his/her field. Once in Canada, immigrants find that the score they had was a joke and the profession they practice is either not in demand or unattainable with their foreign credentials. The reason for this discrepancy is, Canada only needs immigrants to fill in the labor jobs - pizza delivery, driving taxis, factory work etc. as well as to boast its economy by using the savings immigrants bring with them.

  1. Out Of Control Cost Of Living.

From rent, to utility bills, shopping, phone, internet and cable bills, gas, car insurance, eating out, basically anything you have to pay for or buy, the cost of living in Canada has become astronomical. Recent immigrants are astonished as to how expensive everything is. It is estimated that compared to most countries around the world, the cost of living in Canada is on average five times greater.

  1. Health Care Crisis.

Practicing physicians in Canada are hard to find, 1 in 4 Canadians cannot get a family doctor. Many Canadian doctors move to the United States. Statistics Canada and the Canadian Medical Association both have identified that for every 1 American doctor that moves to Canada, 19 (nineteen) Canadian doctors move to the United States! Doctors in Canada are overworked and underpaid, and there is a cap on their salaries.

  1. Very High Taxes.

Yes, you have the GST, the PST, totaling 15%, on practically everything you purchase and many other taxes taken out of our weekly paycheck. You have to pay a whopping amount to the government, out of your hard earned salary, so that the government can turn around and give it to beer drinking, hockey watching welfare bums. Fair? It does not matter, it’s Canada.

  1. Money Hungry Government.

Canadian Embassies around the world lie to foreigners, painting a rosy picture of Canada, Why? Because foreigners bring money! After being deceived, these foreigners come and bring at least $10,000 with them. Canada has an immigration quota of 250,000 per year. So please do the math, 250,000 multiplied by $10,000 each equals a whopping 2.5 Billion dollars that Canada gains from immigrants every year. This figure does not include the business class immigrants that need to invest over $250,000 each.

  1. No Culture.

Unlike almost every other country in the world, Canada has no culture. Actually American culture is what dominates in Canada. When was the last time you had some ‘Canadian’ food? There are no Canadian traditions and there is no national identity. What does it even mean to call yourself a ‘Canadian’. . .nothing really. People living in Canada, still identify themselves with the country they ‘originally’ came from.

  1. Worst Weather.

Yes, Canada has the worst weather conditions of any country in the world. Freezing cold temperatures, rain, snow, ice, hail, persistent winds, humidity or even scorching heat in the summer. From the West Coast to the Meritimes, the weather is so terrible that many Canadians leave Canada simply because of this reason alone.

  1. No Good Jobs.

Yes, coast to coast, there are no jobs. Immigrants are highly qualified (MD’s, PhD’s, Lawyers, Engineers etc.) but they are driving taxi cabs, delivering pizza’s or working in factories. Even people with bachelors degrees from Canadian Universities cannot find jobs after graduation. This is the tragedy associated with immigrating to Canada. I feel sorry for those immigrants who are stuck in Canada for the rest of their lives. It is indeed a very sad and hopeless future.

Я сам не большой поклонник Канады, но вот этот текст он просто странный. Кого-то под дулом пистолета в Канаду затащили?

to UkrainianDude:

можно попросить не ташить на форум весь етот бред ?
покрайней мере пишите если вы действительно в теме вопроса , а не просто скопипастили с какойто помойки

3 лайка


1 лайк

Вопрос знающим…очень охото в Канаду(думаю как и многим). Как лучше податься? Попросить помощь у русской общины Манитобы или самостоятельно ждать сессии в странах БСССР(или в Европе), или же ехать в Виннипег на интервью самому не прибегая помощи общины? Очень интересно. Просто программа Манитобы самая подходящая.

Используйте каждый шанс, пока он есть.
Я сомневаюсь, что община поможет вам в иммиграционных вопросах. Они помогают адаптироваться уже приехавшим иммигрантам.
Если соответствуете критериям, то подавайте заявку на exploratory visit:
Seven criteria for exploratory visits to Manitoba:

  1. You are between the ages of 21 to 49.

  2. You have completed a minimum one-year post-secondary education or training program for which you received a diploma or certificate.

  3. You have worked at least two years in the past five years in a full-time occupation and can demonstrate that you could be employable in Manitoba in that occupation within the first year of permanent residence in Canada.

  4. You can demonstrate a minimum of six points in English or French based on the Manitoba PNP language grid and/or a minimum score of five on an IELTS exam (International English Language Testing System).

  5. The MPNP is satisfied that you do not have stronger ties to other provinces in Canada and have good potential to settle permanently in Manitoba.

  6. You must contact the MPNP at least two months in advance to discuss the possibility of an exploratory visit.

  7. The MPNP agrees before you arrive in Manitoba to have an interview with you during your exploratory visit

Тут человек описывает свой exploratory visit в Манитобу в июле 2011 года:

А тут люди всего месяц назад это сделали:

2 лайка

Спасибо, за этими сайтами я слежу:) Как вы думаете есть ли реальность что офицеры приедут в Россию? И как вы думаете как будет больше шансов если интервью проходить в Виннипеге или в Европе? Или не имеет значения для офицеров.