Estestvenno, takoe tolkovanie instrukcii o tochnom sootvetstvii napisaniu v zagranpaspiorte pridumal ne ia. Eto tvorchestvo gosdepartamenta.
Podrobnee - , stranica 29, punkt 9 FAM Appendix F, 612.7-2 Patronymics
Eta instrukcia bolee obscaia, i kasaetsia zapolnenia konsulom neskol’ko inoi formy, v kotoroi pomimo First Name, Middle Name i Last Name est’ escio i Alias.
a. In the newly independent states (NIS) of the former Soviet Union (i.e., Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia, Armenia, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, and Uzbekistan), many names follow the traditional Slavic pattern in which the middle element is a patronymic. Despite the cultural practice of patronymics, it is very common to find individuals from these newly independent nations who do not have or do not include this name part in his or her paperwork. When entering names from the former Soviet Union it is important to include this patronymic where possible. In some cases where only the given name and surname have been rendered on the passport in Latin letters, it may be necessary to use a standardized transliteration scheme to enter an alias with a patronymic in order to complete the entire name.
c. Many small children will not have a patronymic listed when they are listed on their parent’s passport. Despite the presence of the parents’ names, the father’s given name should not be converted and entered as a patronymic.
Grafa alias v zaiavke ne lotereiu otsutstvuet, poetomu to chto rekomenduetsia ne pisat’ v pervyh treh grafah i pisat’ po etoi prichine v etoi grafe, sleduet dlia celei zapolnenia zaiavki na lotereiu prosto opustit’.
Takje ne upustite iz vidu chto eti instrukcii verny dlia zagranpasportov lish’ 15 stran, sootvetstvuiuscih 15 byvshim respublikam CCCP (vse 15 perechisleny v tekste instrukcii). Esli u vas zagranpasport drugoi strany, to vam nado vypolniat’ inye instrukcii, kotorye izlojeny vse v tom je dokumente.