Mesto rojdenia pishetsia v sootvetstvii s nyneshnim napisaniem (a ne kak napisano v svidetel’stve). V obiazannosti konsula vhodit proverit’, chto eto mesto deistvitel’no nahoditsia v strane, ot kotoroi vy igraete.
9 FAM 42.12 N2.2 Changes in Territorial Limits
(TL:VISA-329; 10-26-2001)
If an alien’s place of birth has undergone changes in political jurisdiction
since the time of his or her birth, the alien is subject to the foreign state
limitation of the state, which has jurisdiction over that place of birth at the
time of visa application. [See 9 FAM 42.12 N2.3 for exceptions to the
general chargeability rule.]
Esli vy napishete nazvanie, kotorogo net na nyneshnei karte, vozmojna massa problem - konsul ne smojet ustanovit’ sviaz’ vashego mesta rojdenia so stranoi, ot kotoroi vy igrali. Tem samym vasha vozmojnost’ igrat’ ot etoi strany budet postavlena pod somnenie.
Sovershenno ochevidno, chto u konsula net nabora kart vseh stran na kajdyi moment vremeni - on deistvuet na osnovanii nyneshnei karty mira