Covid-19 coronavirus , объявлено ЧП в штате Вашингтон и не только... (часть 2)


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Pediatricians in U.S. Covid-19 hotspots are anticipating a delta-fueled swell of children with a rare, serious and sometimes deadly virus-linked condition as the fall resumption of school looms.

The condition, called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, occurs in a small number of kids who’ve been exposed to the coronavirus. Children can develop the illness even if they haven’t had Covid symptoms, and week-long intensive care unit stays are not uncommon.

Just discovered last year, MIS-C can wreak havoc on children’s hearts as well as their digestive, nervous and respiratory systems. With delta more than quadrupling pediatric Covid cases in the week ending Aug. 5 compared with a month earlier, doctors see an avalanche of the inflammatory disorder on the way.

“When we enter this phase now where potentially millions of children are going to be infected with Covid, by default we are going to have very high numbers of MIS-C,” said Allison Eckard, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Medical University of South Carolina Children’s Health. “The percentage of children who are critically ill when they get admitted is unbelievable.”

MIS-C appears to be an overreaction by the immune system to Covid-19, though its exact cause is not yet known. The excessive response can damage organs and blood vessels. When first seen, the condition was mistaken for Kawasaki disease, which causes swelling in artery walls throughout the body, sometimes leading to complications like aneurysms, according to U.S. health officials.

A hospital stay for MIS-C patients is usually about a week, doctors said. Many children start off with gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. Early symptoms can also include bloodshot eyes, chest tightness and rash.

Children typically need medication to stabilize their blood pressure as well as steroids and intravenous immunoglobulin, part of blood plasma that has antibodies in it to treat infection, to protect their hearts from inflammation.

The delta surge has created a dangerous situation for children. Kids have typically fared better than adults who are infected with Covid-19 but the impact of MIS-C and long Covid, when some symptoms persist for months or more, is unknown. Almost 94,000 Covid-19 cases were reported in children the week ending Aug. 5, the American Academy of Pediatrics said in its most recent weekly report, up from about 19,500 during the first week in July.

And more kids are being hospitalized with Covid than ever before: During the winter surge, the daily number peaked at 217. That number rose to a record high of 246 as of Aug. 10, the most recent day the CDC has data for.

As older Americans get vaccinated, the proportion of children among the total Covid count is also growing. In Mississippi, where daily Covid-19 cases have surpassed winter numbers with 2,600 new infections a day, kids now represent 21%, up from 15% in January, state health officials said Wednesday.

“I am really concerned right now about what we may see, and what we are beginning to see, with the incidence of MIS-C again in the context of the increasing proportion of children who are being infected with SARS-CoV-2, especially with children going back to school right now,” said Charlotte Hobbs, a pediatric infectious disease specialist who does follow-up care for kids treated at the University of Mississippi Medical Center’s MIS-C clinic.

‘Train Coming’

The state’s primary pediatric hospital, the center has been strained by the uptick in childhood Covid-19 cases as well as cases of respiratory syncytial virus, another childhood infection. Like other Southern states, Mississippi’s Covid vaccination rate among those 12 and older is low, and use of other prevention measures like masks has become lax.

relates to Deadly Covid-Linked Condition in Kids Poised for a Comeback

Charlotte Hobbs

Source: University of Mississippi Medical Center

“If you see a train coming, you get off the tracks, and we just haven’t had the foresight to do that,” said Thomas Dobbs, Mississippi’s state health officer. “We have entered the realm of crisis standard of care. Don’t expect if you go into a hospital that they’re going to be able to treat you.”

The lack of resources is dangerous for MIS-C patients, most of whom need intensive care, Hobbs said.

The median age of children who come down with MIS-C is 9 and half are from 5 to 13 years old, according to the CDC. The agency has tallied more than 4,400 U.S. cases and 37 MIS-C deaths since early in the pandemic. Those numbers may be shy of the reality, as states only report voluntarily and sometimes the on-the-ground hospital counts are much higher than the CDC total.

Pediatric Covid Cases on the Rise

Weekly cases have risen almost 400% in a month

The American Academy of Pediatrics sent a letter last week to the Food and Drug Administration urging the agency “to continue working aggressively towards authorizing safe and effective Covid-19 vaccines for children under age 12 as soon as possible.” Both Moderna Inc. and the partnership of Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE are studying their vaccines in children, and Moderna just doubled the size of its trial in response to a request from U.S. regulators for more safety data.

Shots Needed

“The delta variant really put some urgency on this as we enter the school year,” said Sean O’Leary, vice chairman of the academy’s Committee on Infectious Diseases who practices at Children’s Hospital Colorado. “Cases are rising everywhere and it’s all over the map what school districts are doing regarding masks.”

O’Leary said doctors expect that a Covid-19 shot would offer children protection from MIS-C as well.

“Our kids, especially those too young to receive the vaccine, are some of our most vulnerable patients,” said William Orr, a pediatric cardiologist at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in Missouri. “These are kids that are completely healthy. The kids that come in with MIS-C, parents are usually shocked. They may not know they were exposed to Covid in the past.”

Lack of Knowledge

One bright spot is that experience has improved treatment, Orr said. Since the pandemic began, doctors have gained a better understanding of how to treat MIS-C, and kids usually recover.

Doctors have been looking for signs of long-term complications in recovered patients, such as heart disease that sometimes appears in children who have had Kawasaki disease. Thomas Kimball, division chief of cardiology and co-leader of the MIS-C clinic at Children’s Hospital New Orleans, has been following 60 to 80 kids who had MIS-C previously during the pandemic. So far, he said, that doesn’t appear to be the case with the Covid-linked condition.

But he plans to continue to follow them “because we just don’t know,” Kimball said. That lack of knowledge keeps the level of anxiety high at the New Orleans hospital, where 12 Covid patients were in treatment Tuesday, most of them younger than 2 years old.

“We’re tremendously nervous,” Kimball said. “We’re anticipating worse MIS-C in terms of number and severity.”

— With assistance by Riley Griffin

1 лайк

А тем временем, у жены тест отрицательный и несмотря на общее недомогание начальник “предложил” продолжать работать. А сам, на следующий день, сделал тест и по его результату ушел на больничный с ковидом. Прививка пфайзер. Пока дома.
p.s. Детей заболевших не много: 10 человек из 400 общего количества было за последний отчетный день

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Сегодня школьный комитет нашего города принимал комментарии от жителей по поводу вводить ли mask mandate в школах или нет. Полное единодушие среди родителей за мандат для школ, где есть учащиеся до 12 лет. Мнения разошлись по поводу high school, где vaccination rate среди учащихся 90%

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В принципе ожидаемо, но хорошо что есть единогласие хотя бы по детям до 12 лет.

1 лайк

Что тут хорошо, печально это

7 лайков

я очень надеялась на мандат масоку нас в каунти, и хорошо, что он есть. Временно, пока инфекции зашкаливают, но хоть есть. Инфекций - выше крыши, а тут дети - без масок, без какой-либо защиты.

4 лайка

Дети природой защищены от этого вируса. Они не лежат в больницах и не умирают. А вы им тряпки на нос на целый день. Стыдно

3 лайка

А как ты будешь жить с этим, после своего поста выше? Или опять лишь бы вбросить что-то? Или эта статистика для тебя тоже не аргумент, а пустышка?

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Как все жили раньше и будут жить после того, как всем надоест манипулировать ковидной инфой?

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Мопед не мой - я привожу официальные данные и цитаты наших лидеров!

Не могу прочитать, просит адблок отключить. Это вроде тетя из CDC, которое принято склонять за переобувания в этой теме?

1 лайк

Она самая. Я это к тому, что дети таки умирают. Хотя процент, конечно, минимальный, но все-же.

А от гриппа сколько умирало? Больше или меньше?

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мы же не про грипп, мы про ковид? Если смотреть на вещи с этой стороны, то умирают не от ковида, а от пневмонии. например.

1 лайк

Мне просто интересно сравнить. При гриппе маски не носили целый день. Если при короне умирает не больше, то в чем логика заставлять детей носить маски

6 лайков

так будут жить те, кого это не коснулось. Если взять 400 детей по всем USA - конечно, вам покажется, что мало. А если мой единственный ребенок умрет от того, что можно было предотвратить, мне как продолжать? Дальше чу-чу, как его и не было?

Дельта внесла изменения в курс болезни. Сейчас - вовсе не как август 2020, но многим все равно.

Мои здоровые дв. сестры тоже особо не волновались - типа, 38-летние от Ковида не умирают, только старики… Не нужны ни тряпки на лицо, и никакие другие меры предосторожности. И ничего не предвещало.

2 лайка

Причем тут 38-летние до начальной школы? И как дельта что-то изменила? Где-то есть официальные данные что у этого штамма более тяжелые последствия?