Покритикуйте, пожалуйста, резюме.

lead software developer, software designer (php)


2006 — Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MSIEM, МИЭМ), Computer Science, Master's degree. Engineer
2002 — Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Computer Science of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (ИКСИ Академии ФСБ РФ), Applied Math: Cryptography, Bachelor's degree. Cryptographist

Advanced trainings/courses

2011 — English. Base. Upper intermediate, Alibra school, Diploma
2011 — English. Business Benchmark Vantage, Alibra school, Diploma
2007 — Flash. Advanced progrmming, RealTime school, Diploma


2011 — Cambridge BEC (Business English Certificate), Alibra school, PASS AT GRADE B (79)

Work experience

10.2009 - present , xxxxxx LLC ( Санкт-Петербург , xxxxxx.ru ) — Travel/Hotels / Restaurants
Chief Technology Officer, Software Architect

Sindbad is an Online Travel Agency from Saint Petersburg, specializing on Air ticketing. On the CTO position I have done the following:

Set up company's R&D department in Moscow:
- found an appropriate office, furnished it, set up Internet access and local network
- hired web developers (4 software developers/architects, 1 frontend developer)
- set up processes of software development, testing, deployment; including code style guidelines, project management tools, QA standards, development/testing/preproduction servers.
- set up daily cron script which checks out trunk from svn repo, run unit tests, checks syntax and code formatting and sends an email report to the developers

Tools and technologies used:
- subversion (svn) and trac as version control and project management system
- nginx web servers as load balancers and reverse-proxy
- set of apache2 as application servers
- memcached for caching
- postgresql as database servers and session storage
- sphinx as a full-text search engine
- php5 as the main programming language
- doxygen to generate development documentation automatically
- PHPUnit and selenium for unit- and functional testing
- gettext for i10n

With php I actively used:
- pcntl_fork in cli scripts to run requests simultaneously
- DOMDocument and DOMXpath to generate and parse XML
- SOAP and cURL to interact with remote systems
- SPL (Exceptions, Iterators, filesystem handling)
- GeoIP

Also with php I have implemented:
- custom MIME library to handle complex emails with different presentation layers and attachments
- a complex error and exception handling solution (which even can handle some fatal situations)
- custom ORM using Active Record pattern and PDO over PostgreSQL with query caching, ability to synchronize database with structure described in php, support of stored procedures, data validation, table linkage
- XML API to interact with metasearch engines (such as momondo.com, skyscanner.net, aviasales.ru, yandex.ru and many others) and with our mobile applications in iOS and Android
- APIs for payment systems: payonline.ru (VISA), gateline.net (VISA), QIWI (cache-in), Novoplat (cache-in); SMS-services; Travel databases'
- SOAP client for Galileo GDS 

06.2009 - 09.2009 , xxxxxxx holding ( Москва , xxxxxxx.ru ) — Marketing/Advertising / PR
Lead web-developer

There was QA department in the company but no development-time testing. I integrated a unit-testing subsystem into the project. Presented the unit-testing system to the developers, wrote basic guidelines for unit testing.
03.2008 - 04.2009 , xxxxxxxx ( Москва , xxxxxxxx.ru ) — Information technology/system integration
Web developer

Learned PHPUnit, PostgreSQL server, trac, sowtware development/testing/deployment workflow. Deeply learned subversion, Arch linux, vim, software design patterns: ORM, MVC, wrapper, factory, singleton etc.

Implemented cross-domain user authentication between smotri.com and qip.ru
Integrated Google Maps service here: [Tarkett](http://tarkett.ru/map/) 

10.2006 - 03.2008 , xxxxxxx ( Москва , xxxxxx.ru ) — Marketing/Advertising / PR
web developer

Learned subversion, and a project management software.
Developed frontend UI using Macromedia (Adobe) Flash with Actionscript 2.0 for company’s web-based social research project.
Actively used MVC pattern and Event-driven paradigm for software architecture.
09.2004 - 12.2006 , xxxxxxxxx.ru — Educational institution

Was teaching shoolchildren (14-16 years) on the following subjects:
* Computer Networks

Developed two complete 1-year learning programs, which included:

* for the PHP course
- in-depth look at WWW, HTTP stack, web-servers' internals
- the lifecycle of http request and response
- basic text-processing functions, templating

* for the Computer Networks course:
- TCP/IP stack and the ISO OSI model
- types of wired and wireless networks
- types of network equipment (hubs, switcher, routers, firewalls)
- practice on building ethernet network using UTP and RJ-45
- common services: http, ftp, irc, internet messengers
- in-depth look at services using telnet: manual interaction with http, irc and other
- network configuration and sniffing tools under MS Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) 

01.2006 - 10.2006 , webdisk.ru ( Москва ) — Information technology/system integration
web developer

Implemented a file exchange service with XML API using php 4. Learned file operations under Linux, administration of Debian Linux
Used raw http with php-cgi to show real time file uploading progress.
Worked in a team with a server engineer who set up the servers infrastructure and design agency which made UI upon my XML API.
10.2002 - 10.2006 , Military service ( Москва ) — State Organizations
Officer, Engineer
Learned to work in extremely stressful environment, strong subordination and military discipline.

Developed and introduced a full-text indexing and search system. Set up an internal web-server running Debian to run the system.

Used enca, iconv and a lot of converters from html, pdf, doc, xls and other formats to plain text, MySQL with fulltext index to handle storage and search, php 4 for controllers and UI. 

09.2004 - 03.2005 , “Хакер”/“Hacker” magazine ( Москва , xakep.ru )

List of publications
All articles were published in «Hacker» («Хакер», xakep.ru) magazine under different nicknames which I used that time.
1. Antileech. Не дай себя обокрасть. Защита веб-контента / Antileech. Don’t get robbed. Protecting web contents
B!rd Feathery (feathery@e-mail.ru)
Hacker, №09(69)/2004, pages 22-24
2. DNS. Копаем глубоко / Domain Name System. A deep look into
B!rd Feathery (feathery@e-mail.ru)
Hacker, №09(69)/2004, pages 26-29
3. Денвер. Мастерская веб-разработчика за 15 минут / Denwer. Deploying web developer’s workshop in 15 minutes
Feathery (bird@feathery.ru)
Hacker, №10(70)/2004, pages 20-22
4. Замути свой рескью-диск! Хардкорный мультизагрузочный диск своими руками / DIY A Hardcore Multiboot Rescue CD
B!rd Feathery (bird@feathery.ru)
Hacker, №11(71)/2004, pages 36-38
5. Сам себе Mail.ru. Почтовый сервер под Win32 / Mail server on Win32
B!rd Feathery (bird@feathery.ru)
Hacker, №11(71)/2004, pages 28-30
6. Двое из ларца. Автоматизация рутинных процессов на компьютере / The two from the box. Automate your daily routine
B!rd Feathery (bird@feathery.ru)
Hacker, №01(73)/2005, pages 24-27
7. Домашнее ословодство. Поднимаем пиринговую сеть в локалке / Donkey breeding at home. Setting up a local p2p network
B!rd Feathery (bird@feathery.ru)
Hacker, №03(75)/2005, pages 32-35
01.2001 - 06.2004 , asechka.ru ( asechka.ru ) — Information technology/system integration
Co-founder, Administrator, Web developer

Asechka.ru (formerly known as isq.vsochi.com) is a web bulletin board and blog dedicated to internet messenger (especially ICQ) and computer security.

I administered the board (vbulliten), implemented a simple news engine with php 4, edit articles and news, made some tools to deal with ICQ password files (deplhi, win32).

Also I lead local meetings of asechka.ru participants, meet many ICQ hackers and enjoyed the community 

Additional information


Work permit in:

United States


Native Language — Russian
English, fluent

Core skills

I’m looking for a job where I can be a manager and a software developer at once. Software design and architecture are the most exciting to my mind. I enjoy sharing my experience with my colleagues and peers, teaching newcomers, making beautiful deeply tested program code, learning and using new techniques in software development. Well designed clear flexible and tested program code which works in the long term is that I value the most. I prefer medium- and long term tasks, which require an excellent software design and code quality. I am extremely exacting at code design, quality, test-coverage and quality of tests themselves.

If you are looking for a software architect and a code quality assurance specialist all-in-one, whom you can allow to build up a developers team for long term tasks - here I am!

  • I’m smart :slight_smile:


  • AJAX: XML, JSON, JQuery, Prototype

  • XHTML, CSS, block model, doctypes, etc.

  • SQL: MySQL, PostgreSQL: triggers, optimizing

  • ООП, TDD, Design patterns, refactoring

  • SVN, Trac, Jira

  • Flash (AS 2.0)

  • Java ME (MIDP, CLDC) development experience

  • External web-service intergation (SOAP/XML/JSON/WHATEVER)

  • Nginx, Apache, memcached

  • Scaling, HA, HL, NoSQL

  • Unit testing (phpunit)

  • Linux: Ubuntu/Debian, Arch and any other - admin

  • Free/Open BSD - advanced user/admin

  • MS Windows (95/98/Me/2k/Xp/Vista/7) - admin

  • Topology design, deployment, monitoring of Ethernet (including wireless)

  • High networking experience

  • Experience in air tickets saling, GDS intergation (Galileo Web Services, Sabre)

  • Project management, risk evaluating

  • Outsourcing

  • Meetings

  • Coaching

  • Hiring staff, interviews

Список умений и опыт - вверх. Образование - вниз.

Вот это - мало кого интересует.
Additional information

Статьи на русском - врядли кто поймет.

1 лайк

Посмотрите примеры CV на американский манер.

Eli White > Resume

7 лайков

Первое, что бросается в глаза - уберите русский язык. Вообще. Даже не думайте вставлять.
Второе… В резюме никогда не пишется “я”, “меня”, “мне”. Всегда пишется в третьем лице, как бы “взгляд со стороны”.
Потом… Не надо так гордиться тем, что вы закончили курсы английского языка. Знание языка подразумевается (хотя-бы на командном уровне). Тем более, что общаться будут не с дипломами, а с вами.
И еще… Я, конечно, не уверен, но возможно у “выпускника школы КГБ” будут проблемы с трудоустройством.

Как раз наоборот, примут с распростёртыми руками. Куда надо. Дадут хорошие бабки, лишь бы только все КГБешные шифры выложил.

Ага… А потом старый друг напоит кофе с плутонием…

(Relocation under Green Card rights is anticipated)

Looking for a challenging position of a Pharmaceutical R&D Formulation Development Scientist


• A licensed pharmacist (since 2003) with broad experience in clinical, hospital and community pharmacy, with a 5-years experience in the pharmaceutical industry (by the end of 2012);
• Knowledge and expertise in pharmaceutical research and development, especially in formulation, compounding, and upscaling of pharmaceutical dosage forms. Understanding of the R&D process, abilities to manage effectively a pharmaceutical project on all its aspects, especially in controlled drug delivery area;
• Expertise in formulating drugs with pH-sensitive solubility;
• Expert knowledge of the pharmacological/toxicological and practical aspects of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and the pharmaceutical excipients;
• Understanding the principles of the polymer chemistry, extensive experience in the compounding and manufacturing of thin films, problem-solving approaches to overcome product defects or improve performance of polymer-based systems;
• Understanding of the technological aspects of scale-up processes, proven abilities to conduct scale-up from lab to pilot production scale;
• Experience in preparation of technology transfer documentation and supervision of their implementation;
• Proficiency in working under the requirements of the current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP);
• Excellent teaching and training skills;
• Laboratory safety supervision.

Dec-07 – present, R&D Formulation Scientist, at COMPANY, CITY, Israel

Key Responsibilities:

• Managed, designed and actively conducted research and development of novel drug-delivery projects;
• Developed formulations and manufacturing processes of novel gasrotoretentive drug-delivery systems based on polymeric films, both for controlled and immediate release of drugs;
• Developed, optimized and upscaled production methodologies for novel specialized pharmaceutical processes;
• Coordinated and supervised formulatory, analytical, upscaling, and manufacturing aspects of projects;
• Maintained high level of documentation in compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) requirements;
• Generated reports and presentations on various subjects including project progress presentations, both in-house and with the involvement of international partners;
• Supervised the issues of laboratory safety in the R&D laboratories; R&D delegate in the company’s safety commission.

Summary of the Main Projects:
May-10 – present, PROJECT
• Formulated immediate and controlled release components of the product for successful phase II clinical studies;
• Supervised and promoted the development and adaptation of auxiliary components for the product;
• Maximized drug loading in the product;
• Tested new production line and optimized the production process.
Nov-09 – Jun-10, undisclosed project
• Developed a sustained-release gastroretentive formulation of high-loading, highly soluble drug with pH-dependent solubility;
• Collaborated with international partners, including writing of development reports and giving project progress presentations.
Dec-07 – Nov-09, PROJECT
• Developed a gastroretentive baclofen formulation, the product successful in phase I studies;
• Developed pH-insensitive baclofen controlled-release formulation, also insensitive to ethyl alcohol presence (up to 30% v/v) in dissolution medium.

Oct-06 – Aug-07, Teaching Assistant, Pharmacotherapy Courses at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Key Responsibilities: preparation of the learning material, holding discussion sections with undergraduate pharmacy students, writing examination questions and checking quizzes.

Dec-03 – Dec-07, Retail Pharmacist at a PHARMAY., Jerusalem, Israel
Key Responsibilities: dispensing prescribed medications, providing consultative services to customers and health care providers, maintaining registry of narcotics and other controlled substances, ordering and maintaining stock of pharmacy supplies.

Jun-03 – Dec-03, Specialization (Internship) in Pharmacy at NNN Medical Center, CITY, Israel

2005-2008, Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Clinical Pharmacy, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Thesis Title:NNNNNNN, under supervision of professors NNNNN and NNNNN.

1998-2003, Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (B.Sc.Pharm.), the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

• patent application WO NNNNNNNN;
• patent application WONNNNNNN;
• NNNNNNN, poster presentation at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Chapter of the Controlled Release Society (ICRS), Sept-07

1 лайк

Буду благодарна за любые комментарии.
Также интересует, насколько необходимо корректировать данное резюме, если речь идет не о поиске работы в фарм индустрии, а о поиске PhD.

Здравствуйте, уважаемые форумчане.

Супруг хочет начать поиск работы с оформлением H1B визы. Создано резюме, перед его размещением на поисковых сайтах а также перед отсылкой потенциальным работодателям, хотелось уточнить вот какой вопрос. Уместна ли или необходима фраза типа “H1B visa sponsorship required” и в какой части резюме ее следует размещать?

Если найдётся кто-то, кто готов оценить-покритиковать само резюме, я его с удовольствием размещу.

Заранее спасибо за отклик.

Вот ссылка на резюме

Заранее спасибо за помощь :flo:

Можно писать, можно не писать. Зависит от того, хочется ли поговорить с людьми, которые вообще-то не собираются спонсировать визу, и попытаться убедить их в обратном. Если писать, то где-нибудь в начале, рядом с контактной информацией.

1 лайк

Мы написали в Objective

а я бы написал в конце и маленькими буквами - пусть сначала резюме прочитают…


так наше пятилетнее образование к чему приравнивается, никак не пойму? Bachelor или Master?

Если вы по поводу резюме, то супруг 6 лет учился, диплом у него магистерский

Обычно Master. На самом деле там граница проходит по какому-то количеству академических часов. За 5 лет, по 6 дней в неделю, их набирается достаточно и даже с запасом.

Автор Привет! Все Ок! Ну а если

more than 30 publications in
я вообще не понимаю почему Вы еще дома. Потенциальных работадателей уже знаете, вперед!

Покритикуйте пожалуйста резюме и cover letter.

[RIGHT]My name
Phone: +1 (xxx) xxx-xxxx
E-mail: my@mail.com

February 2, 2013[/RIGHT]
<First name Last name>
<Company name>

Dear Mr. <Last name>:

I have a diverse background in software development that can be used to meet your company’s immediate and long-term needs. With the unique perspective of an Embedded Systems Software Engineer, I am a versatile and analytical thinker with strong interpersonal skills. I also have extensive experience in working successfully with PC software development.

Throughout my career I have been known as a quick learner, self-starter, problem-solver, and a dedicated results-oriented worker with strong conceptual and design skills. I have demonstrated my ability to handle a variety of tasks effectively and deliver on deadlines. Although I work well independently, I am equally comfortable working as part of a team.

I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your perusal. I’m currently living in Russian Federation, but would like to move to the U.S. Thank you for your time and courtesy in reviewing this material and for your consideration of my qualifications for the open position. Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I may share with you my background and enthusiasm for the position.


My name[/RIGHT]


My name

[RIGHT]Current location: Moscow, Russia (willing to relocate to any location within the U.S.)
Phone: +1 (xxx) xxx-xxxx
E-mail: my@mail.com
LinkedIn profile: http://lnkd.in/xxxxxx[/RIGHT]

Embedded Systems and PC Software Engineer

Experienced IT professional with expertise in software design and development for embedded systems and PC. Specialized skills in developing real-time, multitasking, high performance, low power microcontroller-based systems with or without RTOS, PC-microcontroller and multi-microcontroller systems communicating through USB, UART, I2C, and CAN interfaces, embedded systems with an RF interface. Expert knowledge of MS Windows operating systems. Experience working through the entire development cycle.

• Microcontrollers: Microchip PIC24, PIC18, and PIC16; STMicroelectronics STM32 (ARM Cortex-M3).
• Languages (MCU): C, Assembly.
• Languages (PC): C/C++ (.NET Framework, Win32 API, MFC), C#, Java.
• Development Environments: Microsoft Visual Studio, Microchip MPLAB IDE, IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM, Eclipse, Oracle NetBeans.
• Hands-on experience with peripherals: ADC, NAND Flash Memory, LED Indicator, OLED Display, Resistive Touch Panel for Touch Screen, RF Transmitter, RF Receiver, Charge Management Controller, Real-Time Clock, Digital Thermometer, Beeper, Vibrator.
• Hands-on experience with interfaces: USB, CAN, UART, I2C, RF.
• Additional experience programming for mobile phones using Java (Android SDK and J2ME).
• Familiar with web technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL.

XYZ, Inc., Moscow, Russia
Software engineer in R&D Department, 2009 - Present
Responsible for software architecture and design, implementation, debugging, hardware testing, troubleshooting, redesign recommendations, and maintenance.
• Designed and developed MCU firmware for Hand-Held Units (HHU) that controls a car alarm. The HHU is based on PIC24 MCU and has OLED display, flash memory, touch screen or 5 buttons (depending on the model), beeper, vibrator, ASK radio transmitter and receiver, rechargeable li-ion battery and charge management controller. The firmware, including drivers for all of these hardware components, was written entirely by me from scratch. The HHU allows users to control the car alarm through over 40 graphic menus and to receive alerts and notifications by displaying animations, static pictures, and icons. The software supports multitasking for real-time tasks such as displaying animations with constant frame rate, receiving or transmitting radio signal, playing melodies, and handling user input by using ADC for touch panel and GPIO for buttons. The HHU and alarm’s main unit communicates with each other by a proprietary radio protocol, which uses Manchester code. Messages sent through the radio interface are encrypted; 64-bit individual keys are used for encryption. The firmware is optimized for very low power consumption, so the HHU can work on 560 mAh battery without recharging for several months. The software was written in C, no third-party RTOS was used.
• Designed and implemented software (for 3 of total 4 MCUs and PC) and designed part of schematics for a universal automatic test jig for car alarms. The test jig consists of 3 modules which can be used in different configurations. UART interface is used for communication between the modules, and USB interface - for communication between the main board and PC. The HID class is used for USB interface, therefore no driver installation is required for supported Windows OS’s (2000, XP, Vista, and 7). The PC software works in one of three modes: manual mode, automatic mode, and learn mode, it can also measure intervals between any signals from alarm’s main unit and HHU with 4 ms accuracy. Automatic mode can test a car alarm without human attendance, it uses predefined, manually written or created by “learn mode” testing algorithms. These algorithms are custom language scripts. Support for new car alarms can be added by creating new scripts, no modification of software or hardware is required. Software for PIC18 was written in C, for PIC16 - in Assembly, and in C++ using .NET Framework - for PC.
• Designed and developed software (for MCU and PC) for CAN bootloader. The bootloader is used for firmware updates on STM32F1 based devices connected to a CAN-bus. The software includes Windows application (written in C++ with .NET Framework) and STM32F1 MCU’s software (written in C). A USB-CAN bridge is used to connect PC to a CAN-bus. The bootloader can program any individual device (if the bootloader software is included in its firmware) connected to a CAN-bus. A specific device for reprogramming can be selected in the PC application from the list of devices found on a CAN-bus or specified manually. The software automatically performs verification of written firmware.
• Wrote software for a Hand-Held Unit (HHU) that controls the car alarm. The HHU is based on PIC12 MCU and has ASK radio transmitter and buttons. The software was written in Assembly.
• Designed and implemented PC software and MCU firmware for downloading pictures to OLED HHU’s flash memory. The program transfers pictures to HHU through a serial interface and creates a header file that is required for HHU’s projects to use the pictures. The software was written in C#.
• Developed MCU software for a test jig for OLED HHU. The test jig is used during HHUs production to check if all hardware components are working properly. The test jig is based on PIC18, the software was written in C, OSA RTOS was used.
• Maintained, enhanced, and added support for new car alarm models to PC applications for configuring and identifying alarms. Programs were written in C#.
• Developed two applications for Android smartphones and one - for phones with J2ME support. These three programs were written in Java and are used to control GSM/GPS modules. Commands are sent to the modules by SMS. Applications for Android analyze incoming SMS from the module and can perform action depending on the SMS content (for example, display map using Google Maps API with coordinates from SMS).
• Wrote PC software for testing interface between car alarms and modules connected to car’s CAN-bus. The software was written in C#.
• Developed MCU/PC software for determining battery capacity, including capacity vs. voltage characteristic. The MCU software was written in C and PC – in C++ using .NET Framework. USB interface (HID class) is used for the PC – MCU interface.

M.S., Computer Science, 2009
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Employment Authorization
New H1B visa sponsorship required.

Привет, коллега! :meeting:
Резюме выглядит очень даже достойно, будь я потенциальным работодателем - я бы заинтересовался :slight_smile:

2 лайка

Я бы ещё посоветовал получить хотя бы небольшой опыт с FPGA, DSP, embedded linux, чтобы их можно было тоже добавить в резюме. Эти вещи сейчас очень востребованны. В идеале иметь в резюме какой-нибудь мультимедийный девайс с мощным процом, большим TFT и android/linux на борту. Вы занимаетесь только ПО? Как насчёт железа - схемотехника, трассировка, владение САПРами? Есть небольшие компании, основанные иммигрантами из стран СНГ. Туда легче пробиться и получить H1B, по крайней мере уровень англйиского не так важен. Но, т.к. компании маленькие, ценятся специалисты универсалы, которые и схему и плату и прошивку могут сделать, заказать компоненты да ещё и сами спаять всё это :slight_smile:

1 лайк