Точно, есть и такое, я про это уже даже не упоминала, чтобы не запутывать окончательно
И, кстати, в эту табличку даже не вошли все курсы, которые можно брать, но они есть в описании содержания предмета на школьном сайте.
Кстати, вот это описание, тоже скопирую:
Math BSI: This full-year course serves to reinforce the foundational knowledge from other mathematics courses. Students study basic skill clusters (1. Number and Numerical Operations, 2. Geometry and Measurement, 3. Patterns and Algebra, 4. Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete Mathematics) of material which will help them succeed on standardized tests. Students will utilize workbooks, computer lab and online assignments, and various software.
Pre-Algebra: This course is designed for those students who are in preparation for Algebra 1. Topics include graphing, writing algebraic expressions, solving equations and inequalities, operations with signed numbers, and applications.
Algebra 1CP: The course includes the study of real number properties, solving equations and inequalities, finding solutions to word problems, solving systems of equations, and solving quadratic equations. Real world application and problem-solving techniques are stressed.
Algebra 2H: This course focuses on and enhances subjects discussed in Algebra in grade 8. Topics include the study of linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions, each integrating technology and real world applications.
Geometry CP: This course includes the study of plane geometry. It is a structured course building upon concepts which develop logical thinking through deductive as well as inductive reasoning. Topics include the geometry of points, lines, and planes, properties of congruence and similarity, circles and spheres, coordinate geometry, area, and volume.
Geometry H: The advanced level of geometry encompasses in greater depth all of the topics in Geometry. The course includes challenging problem-solving.
Algebra 2CP: This course expands the study of algebra to include complex numbers, quadratics, conic sections and logarithms. These concepts are implemented through the use of cooperative learning with an emphasis on technology and real world applications.
Precalculus CP: This course includes a semester of elementary functions, composite functions, logarithmic functions, and exponentials as well as a semester of trigonometry. Emphasis in the trigonometry portion of the course includes an analysis and graphic interpretation of the six trigonometric functions. Throughout the entire course, relevance to practical applications in the real world is stressed.
Precalculus H: This rigorous course approaches the study of polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational and trigonometric functions: numerically, graphically, algebraically and analytically. Series, sequences, conic sections and their applications are developed and applied. Limits of continuous functions are defined and applied as a foundation for the calculus course.
Calculus H: This honors level calculus course consists of a full year of development and application of derivatives and integrals. Several projects are introduced to enhance the understanding of the material. The course is designed to help students master their college calculus classes.
AP Calculus (AB): In this course topics include elementary functions and limits with an emphasis on differential and integral calculus and their applications. Students must take the Advanced Placement Calculus AB examination for college credit.
AP Calculus (BC): (7 periods per week includes 2 lab periods). This course includes all of the topics taught in AP Calculus (AB), but is more extensive and includes an emphasis on theory. Additional topics are complex integration, infinite series, vectors, and polar coordinates. Students must take the Advanced Placement Calculus BC examination for college credit.
AP Statistics: This course introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. The four broad themes include: explaining data observing patterns and departures from patterns, planning a study deciding what and how to measure, anticipating patterns producing models using probability and simulating, and statistical inference guiding selection of appropriate models. Students must take the Advanced Placement AP examination for college credit.
Statistics H: This course will cover all the topics of AP Statistics without the rigor and depth required in AP Statistics.
Discrete Mathematics: Students in this course will apply the concepts and methods of discrete mathematics to model and explore a variety of practical situations. The course has five major themes, including systematic counting, using discrete mathematical models, applying literative patterns and processes, organizing information, and finding the best solutions using algorithms. Discrete topics include: graph theory, matrix models, planning and scheduling, map coloring, social decision making, and election theory. Students will also study descriptive and inferential statistics, which includes representing data visually, calculating measures of central tendency, and computing standard deviation and z-scores. During probability, laboratory experiments are used to explore how often particular events are expected to occur. Overall, the course incorporates individual and small group problem solving.
Visual Computer Programming 1: In this course the student is instructed in principles of computer science. Using our computer labs in the high school, the student studies the structure, capabilities and limitations of computers. The student learns to program the computer using a high-level computer language and to use computers to assist problem-solving.
Computer Programming H: The major topics for this course include programming methodology, features of programming languages, data types, and algorithms.
AP Computer Science AB: This course continues the study of programming and includes additional features of programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and applications. Students must take the Advanced Placement Computer Science AB examination for college credit.
Robotics: This course is designed to enhance computer programming skills through the study of robotics. Topics include mechanics, electronics, software, and sensory systems associated with the robot. Students also have the opportunity to do research, analyze, and implement independent projects throughout the school year. Presentation skills are developed throughout the course.
Multivariable Calculus: This course is the final course in the accelerated course sequence. Topics included in this course are: vectors and the Geometry of Space, Vector-Valued Functions, Functions of Several Variables, Multiple Integration, and Vector Analysis. Vectors have many applications in geometry, physics, engineering, and economics. The student builds on many of the ideas of calculus of a single variable to calculus of several variables